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I am here to provide terribly made OC once in a while.
That's all. Nothing more, nothing less.
Bronze Club

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Since my content is bad, let's take it even further.
RIP Windows2oo1
If Lay's made Avocados.
Icelandic eruption.
Crippurringu depressionu
The ‘Queen’
He could have sat anywhere in the entire house...
British culture according to a Japanese school book...
Better than the *** off pumpkin
Et tu, Viral?
I used to do some acting as a child. This was one of my pictures used for my profile..
Most guys will understand.
/spawn spookyboi 1
Home Defense
Mrs.Incredibly Thick
The perfect Christmas sweater.
peep is stored in the balls
Another celebrity scandal
When a show has a really predictable ending but somehow takes 8 seasons to reach that point
words of wisdom
The Empire Fries Back
A fox !?
Wife and I can't have kids traditionally. She sent me this this morning.
every ***ing week...
This new dark souls dlc looks amazing, are there fish?
My little brother raising a toast at his friends wedding!
Dat ass doe
Viral bot is cancer
Mind Blown . . .
It was only a matter of time!
Amazon Review for Ex-Lax
Because chemtrails...
Ditto you little
The Trouble With Relationships...
Easily the biggest lie of my childhood
Children’s section at the library. c.1990.
So... it was you
A helpful suggestion
Seen this at my local Vet Clinic
This is how I imagine owning a cat is like
Net neutrality touches all corners of the web, including where you touch yourself
False alarm.
Always innovate
His sweater is LIT
The game of Life has been setting us up for disappointment
Papa spoke the truth
i i have no stakes in this riot, just getting downvoted by accountbots on hdl
This new season of Doctor Who is really pushing the boundaries
The Realest Job Interview
If male video game characters were dressed like female characters
Art is anal cheese.
Breaking news. Warner brothers celeb accused of sexual harassment.
Antique Hoverboard
This dojo teaches you how to punch a kid square in the nuts.
14 our of 14 people found this review helpful
As someone who loves cooking and cooking channels I appreciate this meme
The dangling sleeves on this T-Rex Christmas sweater
I'd like to nominate 2017's mugshot of the year award to...
There are perks being a baddie.
the dog is already dead, please don't break my window =)
Our daughter used a reversible sequin pillow to draw the "Eiffel Tower". Lol!
I miss the reign....
That's not quite how patio doors are meant to work
Found the Naval flight training manual
Roommate paid part of his rent with $100 in singles... I have questions.
Never order French Onion Soup in Thailand
This post made me laugh
I think Netflix glitched.
We're all dead.
My pervert cat is watching my girlfriend take a shower.
That ain't the ball he was trained to catch
Getting a taste of the good stuff
Road snuggles
Turns out they drain the pond in my local park during winter. This swan obviously didn't get the memo.
When someone says 'think outside the box'.
Gotta love how passionate people are about math
We must band together!
Went to a house party where 5 girls lived :)
He’s got the right idea...
My son's note from his "Take Your Kid to Work day" observations.
"Feel the force flow through you "
I give him 30 seconds.
I’m outta here!!!
Birthday card from my son. What a legend!
Jeff Goldblum rates tattoos of Jeff Goldblum
Taking a moment to reflect
Cats are learning...they are becoming aware.
Says a sign in Las Vegas.
I forgot a soda in the freezer and a dick appeared in my bottle when the ice partially melted
I thought she looked familiar too.
Someone explain the hate against EA in comments, they've always been hated so what made it this bad?
These HD 5.1 glasses are on point
The universal sign of "i may or may not make myself another sandwich"
When Gondorians are reporting your post and you've had enough