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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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The Flat Earth Society wins a trip to space...
My sister went on a group cruise over thanksgiving and slid these under the door of some of her group members
herii botter
Thought I was buying Dickies socks
The 50’s were simple times.
That's some smart thinking right there.
My stepdad put Tinfoil over the router to stop people from hacking it.
She’s in for a shock
"I'm trying to give her positive role models"
The school said each kid had to bring a printed photo of the family preparing the recipe of the requested item. Our kid got Coke and my husband delivered.
These t-shirts
this is so me #blessed
Anon gets cucked
hugh neutron - drank
splish splash
Player Select
Dressed to impress the best in the nest.
The jokes on you, I’m in my late 30’s
Skill - 100
Linux 2003
My friend is visiting Amsterdam and saw this.
they probably forgot to like
From @bad_science_jokes on instagram
Capitalize & Conquer
Headed straight for the FP
Get your shit together, Voldemort
I'm a nerd and I picked out my own shower curtain
magnum opus
Finally an explanation for Pai and Verizon mongoloids
If God created the Sun in the fourth day...
Pray for my girl
Am I too late for sharing Shower Curtains? Married and this one always unnerves any guests we have
How Swiss Cheese Was Invented
I'm single, I picked my shower curtain, and I want to jump on the bandwagon
My wife barred me from drunken eBay purchases after I bought a shower curtain.
I’m married and have no say in things like shower curtains
I do not have a wife.
It’s almost that time of year ladies! Don’t get caught sitting at the table without a man to go through all the questions with you!
The war has begun
I'm a lonely single man. I ordered this shower curtain
So my wife's coworker got tired of seeing this dead bug on the floor at work...
The older I get the more I relate to Red.
My wife is smokin' hot so I picked the shower curtain.
My husband let me choose our shower curtain. I chose this.
I’m stuck in the 80’s and this is my shower curtain
The Titanic’s Hidden Tragedy
This mystery is going to get solved one way or the other.
So my wife's coworker was tired of seeing a dead bug at work pt2...
My wife just sent me this picture from a waiting room.
I’m not single and I got to pick one thing to decorate the apartment.
tables have turned
Visited the modern art museum today. Fascinating stuff!
Amazon pull-up bar praised in review.
Solid sales technique
Smoke Dick Weed while listening to Speed Wolf
My wife left me in charge of the shower curtain as well.
National Undergroundphic
There are more nipples than people in this world
Getting the Job: a Manual
Can't wait
When I cancel my gym membership
Protestor helps policeman install VLC
Cure for tourettes
I'm single and I picked out my own shower curtain.
Older I get the more I agree.
Look at the camera
He had no psychill
Sleeping Beauty reboot.
Hope there is no full moon tonight
understandabble, have a job
My girlfriend also let me choose our shower curtain.
Christmas shopping
Looks like We Got The Wrong Time Marty!
When your dog finds out where you keep your protein
pizza ?
My Dog Met The Fish.
Black satin Satan.
You do you
prequel memes forever
Like father, like son. Cat is sleeping in similar position to my husband. They always fall asleep together watching TV.
And archdukes died of mysterious causes
Delete Self
Late post but I work at a Nike Factory Store and I drew this to get my coworkers ready for Black Friday.
so many lost souls!
Volume/Spook Warning
Some shower thoughts from the cookie monster.
Uhm, is this cultural appropriation or...?
Savage Reply, can't stop laughing
Well it does
My dad once took the wrong exit while driving home and we ended up in Hungary
glorious idea
Jared is the hero we need , but not the Jared we deserve