"We need to show we're sponsored by FedEx." "No prob. I'll grab something off the Internet." -- Seen at the Millennium Hilton, Bangkok

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arrest the vapers
50 Shades of Yay
Prequel meme
The power of compression
You know that moment
Totally thought Bob Ross got his own quarter at first glance
And f-f-f-freestyler.
At least be creative this time guys... Don't make it too monotonous
When you are just too good at hide and seek
Welcome to the thunderdome...
Humans can't be that stupid...?
Felt someone was watching me, look out the window and saw this.
How to use a microscope
and this is to go even further beyond
Wise words
What a prodigy
A better reality spotted at a beautiful, award-winning beach.
The mirroring on this Die Hard DVD
Neighborhood kids built the most terrifying snowman I’ve ever seen
Pets who just came back from the vets
Perfect photo.
My kind of valentines day gift..
Couldn’t agree more
My boss showed me what his kid made in children’s church.
About to take a math exam. My little brother’s tv remote had one dead battery and my calculator was on the couch
Google ain’t no snitch
Roses are red, grey is the knife
All students can relate
Walk it off Bro.
And that's why wand safety is important, kids.
Microsoft Word
My fiancée didn't believe me when I told her that our bed would be too tall on the new frame. This is her "You were right but I refuse to admit it" face.
Found this on my history teacher's door
Found this
Ed Sheeran looks more like an imaginary friend than a fiancé.
It's retarded
Roses are Red, Gollum hates Bilbo
You know what would be fun? Waiting in line at that store, where there's not supposed to be any lines.
He had his chance
Maybe not
When I was 10, my best friend and I made a band. Her dad made us album art, and I remember being so proud. Then, we found this
Oh... crap. I’m in trouble.
How fast was that duck going
private collection, don't ask
Wolves solves everything
Advice for driving in the snow on a North Carolina news channel.
Check the comments for a special surprise
Time dilates by
To be 17 again
False advertising at its finest
Looks like the TIDES have turned
Hollyweird is creepy
So i'm assuming it's happened before...
My lady sent me this after a rough night with the boy.
i can smash both
Irrational Eating
Plant shaming
Too much meme too much meme
Whenever I think about shaving my beard I remind myself of this picture.
Prequel meme
Alarm gang
Hide from the police.
Step aside tide pods, that was just a warm up.
Drove like that for about 2 miles so the other car couldn't pass
What a strange bong
The country of endless possibilities
Ordered a pizza and asked for a joke, and this is what I got
Quite a headache.
Also really good with some cheese.
How to pass the time during the gov shutdown
anon is contempt
y tho
Be my Papa
Anakin Vs Luke
oh my god so wonderful
Yes, Satan?
Wow these new lessons sure are important..
For people who are always late
I found green army men doing Yoga in the middle of the woods while hiking.
The New Makeover Star
Larry is going places
"Hang on, I have dirt on my shoe."
All these years, and I never noticed this
I Photoshopped myself into a family portrait and it is now hanging up in my office
LITERALLY the best Dear Abby ive ever read
This will never happen again. Even Gronk can't believe it.
Addiction is a terrible thing
When I wear a tight shirt
Woody has been working out.
We bought 2 things at CVS
Fighting crime one pencil at a time.
Real Story of titanic.
Which makes coffee basically Miracle-Gro®
A bit of respect maybe?!