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Please come back Tom89, shadowelve, LeHerp, Deznal and Null_!

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take that Merica
Who else has this folder?
Initial bus qt
How do people afford cars like those?
yeah sry about that
Jungle Night Party
The wood grain on this door looks like a damp woman ran into it
Help pls
Grab her by the tits
SpaceX in 2002
I think they call them goths now days...
Honest traffic announcement
I was going to go jogging...
My friend made a thing a while back
Bye gawd, ya done it
Guess what day it is my dudes
how can you say that?
Spying on the neighbors
oh shit guys
No excuses!
Next time you're going down
Accidental X-Men cosplay team
oh watch out watch out!
When you Think You've got this, but Instead Fail Miserably
The only way to cross a street safely.
If God said so, it must be true
Authentic Cuban Fries
How I imagine the Tesla being found in the future
I hope my Valentine’s Day cards are better this year than they were last year
Get in loser, we're going to earth.
A counterpoint to Musk's free advertisement.
Me, after I successfully launch a 34000$ vehicle over Australia
The fourth biggest religion
Kick my seat again...
One of my colleagues found an old WD-40 advertisement in the archives.
Another great actor lost to drugs and alcohol.
Something seems a bit odd about this air freshner.
Real actul shit poop
Maximum efficiency
Hell yeah
When you lose against Downudder
My dog recently lost her eyesight, but still runs to the window whenever she hears that snowplow...
Thanks Elon for giving us the proof!
bumblebee cucumbersnatch
To this day, I still cannot figure out how no one could figure out Prince Adam was He-Man.
Let’s all remember the humble origins of SpaceX
All my friends are having babies. I just want to fit in.
Eagles win Super Bowl by 8 points in 2018
Mc Death
How I imagine life in the UK will be like
He gon get em
Spotted this in my university’s parking lot
Panhandling done right
There must be a pattern...
A force of destruction
Grammar batzi
Han Solo
Messenger filters are too real.
oh my god
Feel my pain
“Something interesting down this hole you say?”
SpaceX confirm successsful autopilot deployment
Ear cancer
here we go
Ain't playin' around
careful when outside
Do what to my wrist?!
Hi Dominic
Someone was a little...creative...
Dead. On.
When life graphics are still loading
Maybe it's Lupus
I'm escaping to the one place that hasn't been corrupted by Capitalism
Get lost
Darude memestorm
The first time I experienced something meta was in the 90s
bullet holes to donut and dick holes
Get this man some TP for his bunghole ASAP
not in Utica
Murdered By Words
Western Australia’s police force response to Elon informing us that his car is currently over Australia.
My dick pick.
After today’s space launch this scene from Star Trek voyager seems a little less far fetched
me irl
Brady pullin' a fast one
When you know you're lost but too stubborn to ask for directions.
Or maybe he wanted to meet his good old friend running that country.
Oh, how the tides have turned...
This one will die soon as well
Yeah you broke piece of shit, buy her a ***ing house.
Take this squiggle 3 times a day
Tea time.