Need a card that'll melt her heart this year? This one will do it so well it'll seem like an inside job.

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If people can have emotional support pea***s I should be able to have this
This girl is killing it
Land of the free, but congress for sale …
She is straight up slaying this fart!
Attempted a faceswap with my dog but ...
Level of accuracy here is 100%
Figure skating commentating is so hot right now.
Downvoting something on the front page
If you are the person who invented this type of sticker nobody likes you.
Funniest thing I have seen this week
Mountain ruffmore!
Saw in a movie theater bathroom
Violets are tender
My daughter has hit her rebellious stage earlier than expected
No matter how many times I watch it's still funny.
The original meme sharing
Your definitive guide to the sports of the 2018 Winter Olympics
Try rugby they said, it will be fun they said...
Would that work?
Pray for DORO
Spotted in New Orleans
Shipping box... or yoga mat?
Any one from Amazon missing a glove?
Me, in high school
a tribute to one of the greatest guys I ever knew
Bad idea!! But hilarious results!!
Eat wood
Looks like a Spongebob character
Cats be like
When you own a dog
For the last four years, I've been drawing Valentine's cards in early February. This one's my favorite.
Prophet Elon
A first date at Hooters might have been the first red flag...
Ronald was never very good as a hiring manager.
Judgemental reporter
Today kids will never understand how it felt to give your computer AIDS just for free music
Saw this sticker on a car today, made me laugh.
Made me laugh.... And feel lucky to have a soul
When searching for boxer brief options that offer more protection than the regular cotton ones, consider this review
1953 Playboy Magazine Cover, Ireland
Get Me a Scientist!
When you see another loss meme
Spell check.
Rocket Man.
How? Just how??
the return
The confused look
The caption in this image
"Hit and run driver will be hard to find"
elon r u ok?
Lol bodybuilders
Milky Goodness
The Sims pool in real life.
One of my favorite Instagram finds
This exchange between a Facebook page-owner and a troll
Now thats a good one
Don't waste your talent
i changed
Don’t talk to me or my son ever again.
Or better yet, when you have to fart in public
10 out of 10
Picking his nose in public
Dating: my date’s hidden talent
Everyday we stray further from god
Elon Musk before and after.
NASA vs Flat Earthers
Almost choked on my gum when I looked up at saw this above the toilet at my work.
I broke an apple slicer and made a very dangerous apple
The pug is the concerned mother, while the cat is the disappointed father.
My wife wanted me to share this with everyone.
Douche bag requirements
A beautiful sunset
This sign at Wellington Zoo, NZ
I don’t get it, we’re two married men
Find a partner that looks at you the way Elon Musk looks at his Falcon Heavy rocket.
Holy Shit It's A Lion!!
Damnit, this is false advertisement!
These Simpsons predictions are getting out of hand.
"Your Uber will be here in six months"
Pls do
Divorce selfie!
And we all forgot
Formal Apocalypse
Misfortune Cookies
Went out in Mardi Gras by myself for a bit. Found my best friend.
When those high school Spanish classes finally pay off
They grow so up so fast. At one year old, my baby is almost one whole CVS receipt long.
When the chip stabs your gums
Fvck no