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Best thing I’ve seen today
Celebrating too soon... found in an alley in Boston.
Who the hell designed these and why?
PowerPuff Logic
He isn’t supposed to have anymore chocolate milk today. I guess no one can see you when you drink chocolate milk like this.
Pretty sure I'm going to die of dysentery if I drink this.
Steamed hams but dubbed in russian
Husband called wife & said no need to cook today I'll bring food from the second wife!
That Monday Morning feeling.
Found in the wilds of Northern California
There's no way they would do something like that again!
Didn’t doubt it for a second..
Take your pup with you for girls weekend and this is what happens
An Irish newspaper just posted this
How do you even get these off
When your insurance doesn't cover therapy
Police respond to a code 241.
Goodnight Elon
Well... that’s one way to hold on to her.
For a good LEGO imagination
Went to go do laundry this morning and found this gem!
Going through my dads stuff and I found one of the most dad things I’ve ever seen.....
Lost in dark web
Every guy this time of year.
Eye contact is important
My wife just texted me this picture of our cat playing behind the TV
What is your emergency, please?
Should I bring my dog to the vet?
We had to get rid of our puppy a few months ago because it didn't get along with our cats.. today the new owners sent us this
Quick tutorial
HMU on skype
Unfortunately still more relevant than ever
[B]raise the LORD
Shout out to Pokematic for his noble meme sacrifice
Your move Coppers!
Noped at a bird, danger noodle... yes!
Title of my post
Owner should make sure to close the bedroom door when he goes to sleep tonight
All Star Performance
My local bookstore recently lost a door
I Just Lost A Breakdancing Contest To A Log
My cat is also Ron Purrlman
Posted on Mark Hamill's instagram
Fantasy Fulfilled
This is why it's important to learn percentages, kids...
Feels good, don't it
I too suffer from that ailment
when you're having fun
low effort post
Monster under the bed.
Overheated CPU will cause loss of performance
Glitch in real life
Just shut up..
Ruff break. Tuff luck getting the job now
accurate sign
Banned from Flat Earth
Probably searching for a nut
Jack Black has come a long way.
An important notice for employees at this bar in Detroit
When you die early and have to watch your friends play the rest of the game
The men’s room was too boring
After hearing Fergie destroy the national anthem just now
The Dad Tax
Ya know
post 3
People say mean things.
The only time
Outside lowes and this pretty much was the only reason I bought some.
Grandpa got my son a big wad of cash for his birthday
A deep examination of my inner emotions
This meme is so true
Never go alone...
Good thing I don't have friends or a social life.
Dropping the bomb...
We the forgotten lol
I said to my co worker i left bills in the cash drawer
Found this memelord at my local gym the other day
Always a good time to play chess
Sometimes I take a hot bath with bubbles
My movie life is forever ruined..
This Has Disaster Written All Over It
Featuring number one hit “have you seen my screwdriver?!”
Happy Chinese New Year!
Whatever you do..
No winners here.
My Day Off
Interesting tip on V-Day
Poor FBI guy...
This loss has not happened yet, so you dont have to feel the pain for now
kicking off oc week with a bluetext
tips for life