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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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What can't Keanu do?!
the blackout train has no brakes
Bringing the world together.
He is getting married so he made this with his best friend and future wife.
Neon Geneshrek Evangelion
Cereal is soup
Oh shiet
The meme that keeps on giving
Middle Aged Harry Potter Books
Urban Disney Princess
The lower case A Team
My phone tried to stop me.
When stress is life
I got exposed
It's time for A2
A little too much cream for my taste
Who had one of these badboys as a kid?
Just when I thought I was getting more active..
Don't fk with the midle east boiz, u know who I'm talkin bout b0ss.
My friend Maggie pitching her movie, moments before becoming a billionaire.
Education Level 1000000
seems to be more true than ever
The life you save could be your own
no ur
Don't hurt cato
On this rock I will build my Church
Missed my major by a mile...
My new Nintendo Switch
*** flowers. I am a man!
Exodia Caffeinate!
Perhaps, maybe an apple next time?
Inspector Gadget Seen In Public Again
every buzzfeed post
Better prep my hotel room
"Nobody understands our love!"
My brother returned from South Korea today, after being there for over a year in the military. This was my welcome home sign to him.
low effort OC
This cat chewed an armrest for herself in a box
Honestly, I’m sick of it. Everyone on this sub is the same
no me
The Lost Boys, Then vs Now.
Press 'F' to pay respect...
Yo thats awesome
haters will say it’s photoshopped
Save us Florida man
Atleast Fred Flintstone made it in to work this morning
This is so metal...
When she asks you to open the jar of pickles
Medieval Michael Scott
This was on a bathroom stall. Can’t stop laughing.
My agent told me it’s a one bedroom with attached bathroom
An old italian gentleman ...
oh noe
Lord: nope
London today
Ugly people have talent too
Dog 1, Vet 0
Best selfie.....
thats how i eat
That's so smart
how you think vs how it is
impressive skill, Spider-Man
Alien Art *This has been sitting in a folder since 2014.
Choo, choo!
This is my friends cat, it's way cooler than I'll ever be and I've accepted that.
Hell yeah
Windows at its finest
My son when we play hide and seek.. at least I won't have to pay for college!
Who is your daddy? And what does he do?
This kid knows his shit.
On the 3rd day he rose...
My cat thought the snozberries tasted like snozberries.
Dad Level: Gold
I'll tell you my secret for 5000 RP
Oh f*ck put it
Everyone has pics looking better and losing weight, so I thought I would share this with you guys. I didn’t lose weight but I had Lasik Eye Surgery.
I'm bored, have some OC
Hot Shingles
This gas station pump got jokes...
Turn me on yourself...
The Winter Olympics In A Nutshell !
Truly, a political genius
Dog or hedgehog?
OC week is over lets just steal again
Justice !
Just say 'Yes' to saying 'No' to saying 'Yes' to drugs
>RIP Blackspirit
3 dimensional puns are underrated
Sneaky sneaky
Every Headline On The Internet In A Nutshell
Not sure that's how Australian English works
Quick lesson in geography