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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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He gets bored on fridays
>drunk hot hitchhiker
Mind = blown
Degenerate Patrol
Get off my lawn you damn kids! Frack I'm Old.
so much for the tolerant left
Crossfit summarized in one workout
We sure can
Why can’t you be more like your sister?
Anon asks /tv/ for recommendations
The new way to do!
Good choice
Aren't these meant to be hard?
My Brothers gift to his friend, gave me a good chuckle
"Congrats, kid. Can we go home now?"
oh god
there should be a doomsday clock for this too
Yeah... about that...
Welp, damn!
Visited my grandmother in the hospital today, noticed her “about me” information..
Best to let things be.
Mr. Bean makes everything better
Let me rest
Saw this at a candy store, the name made me laugh
Anon has a superpower
Photosynthesize this
The difference 19 years can make
best show
Get off my lawn you damn kids! Frack I'm Old haha
Now I know why dying sucks
Puppies > Children
The Local Cats Started A Car Club
The way men choose shampoo
What a clever snake
... Rule 34
Funny, but also pretty cool artwork.
When you have Alzheimers and post a meme
I honestly can't tell if this is real or not. And that disturbs me
IHOP banning their most lucrative customer base
When you have Alzheimers and post a meme
When you have Alzheimers and post a meme
A-at least I have memes, r-right guys?...
Should have called an Uber
So we're just done with phrasing, then.
Looks nice!
RIP Blockbuster
Get the HECK out
Anon's in an interesting high school
When Red Pandas attack!
And this is how you ruin childhoods
When you park like an ***.
You have to trust your gut
I mean, if you’re offering
Friendly warning!
AHA! hahahaha
Still better than McDonald's.
I think they're lovely....
Hear ye now, a tale told among goats *bagpipes in the distance*
I mean it’s what it says
What a cute thing to do
how they kill
The four horsemen 16bit edition
They better not lose it
thats a spicy one
Animated doggos
Wife found out I haven't been taking my meds.
Affordable housing for millennials
Happy intergalactic women's day
hello there
I'm not sure that's what they meant...
I'm looking forward to that BDSM
Am I evil?
How did this happen Dinesh?
Should be taken with food and water.
Fake News
oh no
Florist quotes are lit
The kid doesn’t know his ABCs, but at least he’s strong
Sometimes life doesnt go as expected.
The real history.
Meet Ned, he's a bed.
I love house
Perfect boss doesn't exis-
Stormy Daniels finally released a dick pic.
Progress on its way