My preschooler was the only kid in his class to get sent home with 3 sets of proofs on picture day

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Funniest Bumper Sticker I've Ever Seen
Midnight Train..
Lift others up!
When every post on the front page is about Stephen Hawking’s death
Best way to solve marital problems.
Ain't that the truth!
Anon is gay
A different take
my will to live is lost
I knew my wife made some hard boiled eggs yesterday, opened the fridge this morning to this..
The closest target is a 12 minute drive away.
Happy travels, good sir
A "no u" to surpass metal gear
"Isn't it great having a two-car garage, hon?" "Sure, babe. Fantastic."
What is heavier?
Your brother a mother
He had good humor and attitude regarding his disability and I was reminded of this.
Always a tragedy when a great mind is lost
*nukes korea*
Lemme see that Jopost
A bar in D.C. made a map out of the fake ID's they've confiscated during the summer. Savage
Always remember the last words of Stephen Hawking
RIP Stephen Hawking
Seems like an apt time for a science joke
I sure will...
Honorable sacrifice
Sad Al _:
Keepin' it classy, bros.
It will change you.
Stephen Hawking, Also A Genius Of Comedic Takedowns
Frog family is watching you!
trapped in a snow globe with a blizzard of emotions
Snow & Daenerys together. While we are waiting for the new season of GOT
To the shadow realm with you!
Best Lego ever. RIP Steve.
Another day in Europe
Forget being called "daddy", I want my girl to call me...
My friend just sent me this pic from the cinema
Jeff deserves a raise
Internet neckbeards be like:
How to live indefinitely.
The time Stephen met Jim Carrey RIP Stephen Hawking
Get a dog for safety they said.
you cant steam steel beams
Never go to class.
Come in
When your parents try to be encouraging but they’ve seen your grades
Understanding the Gru meme
Measuring cough syrup when you're sick
She's mad because the bathtub is full of water, so she can't play in it
Who knew evil was so cheap?
My SO always denies taking up space on the bed. So I took and edited a picture to prove it. This is for men everywhere
First picture emerge from the set of "Batman Begins" remake
So our Spirit flight got delayed due some malfunction. Then I saw some guy duct taping our engine to a wing. WTF?
Goodbye High School!
Well, I’m not going to sleep on this flight.
“Oh dear lord”
these beds appear to have swapped trucks
Welcome to Boston!!!
lizard love matters
Saw this on my way to the supermarket
Saw this car parked today it made my day
nice tattoo save
Netflix got it right! You go Ron!
The only part of France that never surrendered
“Bee Syrup”
Great for long days at the office
look at all that damaged koda
What aisle are bolt cutters on?
What to remember if you’re feeling suicidal
Anon gets trapped
This Amazon review of Liquid Ass
Get your lube
Chainsmokers in a nutshell
My local Dunkin Donuts has chosen me to serve the Dark Lord.
Yeah, I believe it
Benedict Cumbercat
Never seen Tony pissed Off before
You came in that thing?
Lisa Simpson, the original Tumblrina
Full Auto
This poor doge
Cool guy
The creation of the spiders
( :<
A modern Rembrandt.
ok enough of this for today
top ten anime battles
Someone tried to reenact the Italian Job in my town last night