NASA break room problems are different than most. Taken today @ Johnson Space Center.

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Road trip with all of my friends!!
Married 52 years!
Is going to be confirmed soon
My wife ordered a new "toy" from an app that gets things directly from Chinese manufacturers. This is what came in the mail.
The new billboard for my local burger place
Damn, Durex are savage!
Patrick's Star
Some serious shit's going down here
Rack and Cooter.
Eating a kilo of lasagna by myself? Check
give color to life..
not sure
The Zucc must Succ
Boston accent mandatory
Pick it up
Biggest lie in the history of the world
Just trying spread some nice vibes
Organic Truth
Syria for desert
This work place bathroom sign.
How to get bamboozled 101
Oh fucc
Notification email from Twitch
When you're sleeping and the mountain of clothes in your chair is looking at you
Things you cannot unseen
Jesus saves man from the gay
Well that was a turn of events...
When you dont know where police caught you speeding...
Awkward billboard placement across the street from work. In southern Indiana even fetuses have gun rights.
Here is a church that looks like a chicken.
My mother would rules the world with that
+ 5 antiviruses
What is Austin Powers’ favorite vegetable?
I feel the same way every Friday the 13th
Dr. Seuss' lesser-known book.
Silence your phone*
Even the dictionary is sick of his shit.
neverending memes
When you type "Google" into google search bar
Facebook new symbol. DataLeak!!!!
I need answers dammit
Show him some love bruddas
Top 10 Anime Betrayals
Get off deGrasse
Someone was having a little too much fun in Walmart.
This is the exact point at Disney Land where the magic happens
When Facebook quizzes are all you do
On the back cover of Banksy's book
Wonder what happens when they investigate google
Just another dickhead in the restaurant
Forget bananas, Arnie for scale
Oh so that’s how the last owners died
High on H2O
d i s c o u r s e
Math really is poetry
potion seller please
I am always #5
Can't ducc the zucc
I need answers
Carrie Fisher letting Daisy Ridley know what she has to look forward too
Schrodinger's USB
How they always do it ?!!!!!!
My mom works at an Edible Arrangements store. This was a personalized message from one of her deliveries today..
It should only take me 72 hours to sift through all of the bubble wrap and packing peanuts to find them.
On the reals
The Titanic compared to a modern day Cruse liner
Conspiracy dog suspects a conspiracy
I dropped a box of spaghetti on the ground and accidentally graduated from Art School.
When I talked about babies two days ago and today you see advertisements of diapers on my phone:
15. Our spelling.
My sister is a single mother of 3. Yesterday I found this in her kitchen, which is a pretty perfect representation of her life.
Pear rear
“Why is Facebook spying on me?”
Anon wants his son back
Repost, but so very true. Gets me every time
Still the best meme on the internet
Rent prices visualized onto a map.
Noah, original Pokemon Master
Ok, I admit it. You got me.
We decided to embarrass our daughter at the airport after 3 months away.
zucc.exe has been interrupted
Oh, crap...
The face.
I almost honked at this guy just to see the show.
Timmy's Dad Got Zucc'd
Sneaky is best delivery boy
have some zucc OC
The Godpidgeon says he's sorry that he has to beak you, but that he'll take good care of Carloota for you.
aww geez rick