I can see Cena, but I feel as though there's another dude that is standing so incredibly still...

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How real men eat instant noodles
It's still better than calling for their mom...
Amazing experiment
My brother went to prom and we caught this photo of him.
Why is this in a schoolbook?
This guy on my universitys confession page understands the process...
Someone took this Guns n' Roses joke too far, too well not to post here
“I’m telling mom!”
Well Well This is in my Bucket List for sure!
kinda hot
When your surname is too popular
V for vegan
Pluto is family, and family sticks together
Steve Irwin vs Charizard
Look I just made you a bowl of cookies 'n cream
To be fair, Doctors are extremely busy all the time...
the gospel, in a nutshell.
Trust no one
They always be twitching or up to something
Stupid puns are best
In canada rn
Years of meditation
TIL women's bathrooms are shittier than men's.
RIP The Daily Show
Best employee shirt
Someone in Yosemite has jokes!
A lady told me I was a hero for returning her dog today. I found him 2 ft from the sign.
My fiancé told me to pick any picture I wanted from our engagement to hang in our living room. I get the feeling she isn’t going to be thrilled when she sees my selection.
Opened a sauce pan at Ikea to find this...
Modern art
Rate my professor at its finest
Teachers pencil case
Domestication in the Far Side
This honestly made me laugh. Cheers
Drugs are bad, mmmkay?
What doesn’t kill you -
This is an ice cream cone ordering an ice cream cone from an ice cream cone.
So what does this say about Ohio?
Would that make it AAAAAA?
During the war..
funny sign
Advertising at its finest.
Finally someone that can handle my sasquatch problem
"These are not the roids you're looking for."
Don't be sober
Borktor strange
bait? i would never
AKA my porn account
Found on facebook.
My son’s entry in their class recipe book
Why though?
This guy is a legend
We can all appreciate a pilot with a sense of humor
Mmmm Tasty.
Open it
My coworkers might love or hate me tomorrow
Dye for you
Depressed doggo
My Friend’s Wife is a School Teacher and received this.
7 years ago I bought a tent but didn't realize it was child sized until I got to the festival and set it up
It's that time of year again.
good boi
Okay then…
Now we know what she will look like when she's old.
We used to tease Neal because he had glasses.
I think I've gotten myself into a bit of a pickle...
Local strip club doing its part for the environment
The hero we need
The math vandal strikes again!
World Domination
It's da Police
The other day my partner offered to sew up a hole in my pocket. This morning I checked it and found this stitched into it...
Our City is proud to have the World's largest TeePee. Someone vandalised the sign last night...
ohh no
Smoothness level on this one is high
Duck Licking Sips
When you're smoking for two
Bob Ross is Savage
America Circulation
2018 better
He is always watching. ALWAYS!
Helping Out
The evolution of fashion
Girls and boys given bandanas with no instructions.
Have we met each other?
Im a human
The rabbit is a metaphor for my goals in life
r e l a t a b l e
R.I.P scooter kid
Can't Stump the Trump
Humble contribution to Pun Tuesday
An old concept, but still Gucci. I think...
This endcap at the store today
You are my drug