Jenga level - Asian. Deal with it peasants.

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Behind the meme
My favourite line from Toy story
Best job description ever
Tea was lovely tonight
Don't tip me pls
Well, my marriage just ended.
Problem solved
Cross my palm with silver and I will tell you your future.
choices made wisely
This record stand makes it look like Neil Young has peg legs
Wait.... what
Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?
How to chat up a girl 101
This man never ceased to be remarkable.
Genius trap!
The average human male in 2018!
I mean basically.
Smile says I am trying, eyes says murder...
Damn illegal aliens stealing our jobs.
Business is Slow
A Dominos employee stood outside of a recently closed Papa Johns in my neighborhood and started selling some pizzas.
Who can relate this ?
HDLol is right
It's alot of work being a parent.
My phone autocorrected “Jesus Christ” to “Jesus Heist” so I made this.
What a time to be alive
It's Today
The pagans know what's up...
Just what I need, someone able to see me while I take a dump.
Seems oddly familiar
Biscuits, Cheese Biscuits
When your friend is about to do some stupid shit
She’s clearly a ho
"Spiders, Man"
zach makes a funny
Those crooks lost to emus
At the nut section of my local market
You'll shoot your eye out kid.
Mom knows how to parent
SKyrim meem
A rare picture of the REAL life Wyle E. Coyote after he just got his ACME hammer in the mail.
Honk if you're horny
I means seriously....
If it fits, I sit. Dont ask me questions, I am a plant.
pesky rats
There’s hope yet
Shoveling Time ***es!
когда идеально подходит
My dad is nearly 70 and not especially computer savvy. However, he learned "an internet saying" and put it on my Amazon Christmas gift receipt.
Yup... That address seems legit
My Interview strategy
Someone please tell Sarah Conor that the terminator is here ...
And you know this, man.
"American" Food according to the British
Someone wrote a message in my yearbook
Who did this :)
If I could bill a doctor for every time they made me wait...I’d be rich
Paw patrol marathon it is.
Wow ABC's moving FAST
This is my dog. Her name is Squanchy.
Amazing new tech
something something feminism
Saw this gem while waiting at a light
What a shitty car
Lastu Avengeru
Subtle face-swap
It's not a boulder, it's a rock!
You're not wrong...
Is this metasome or wholeta?
If you can do this you should to be allowed to
"We've updated our privacy policy"
Anon is from outer space
Not from the Jedi
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Whenever Revolver0celot places a comment
A remix of an oldie
It's never too late!
No fuqs given at my local DQ today.
Can I have your autograph?
When your class and stats are shit, but you're rolling 20s