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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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The real American Horror Story
Anyone remember Lamas with Hats?
Sounds about right for me.
Bachelor days!
We'll Never Forgive You Canada
Sorry Sarah
Apparently it’s been a long time since my dad cleaned out his spice cabinet.
Someone doesn't know what The White House looks like
...and the infinite sadness.
I asked my dentist to make getting a crown suck less. She came through!
Take me to your leader
Logic 99
Ah ok, reincarnated again in this shit
Laws are made to be broken
Vape life....
Every goddam time
Would you like some cheese with that?
oh ......
AC rules! DC drools! Take that Borg!
how did i not notice this !
Mmm, fries.
Lieutenant Dan!
My grandparents were waiting for each other at the mall.
son i am disappoint
gotta go fast
Too good
Yes that’s unique.
Before my time.
I will avenge you.....
Best Rejection Letter....
Minecraft masterace
Killing memes faster than light
Just had to be Australia
Its D-Day my dudes
Entertainment at it finest
Ahah, yes
Dr Phil is throwin truth
Real poetry
Holy Water
waiting for women in the shop.
Cute things to call your girlfriend.
it is in fact wednesday
Memes Pay Off
Like apples and oranges
It's a terrible joke. He'il never get close to the bear again.
Ordered a lens on eBay. Seller forgot to send the lens hood with it and sent it out separately. Sent me a note and a packet of crisps. What a legend!
just when you thought minion memes couldn't get worse
when you wanna meme, but you are shit in video editing
Roses are red, you find sailors in ports. But this girl will make you
Turned 40 today. My kids greeted me with this tradegy on my front porch......
It is OUR Wednesday
Big penis OR great memory - which one you choose?
Bad teeth
My culture is not your snackfood!
Had to do a double-take walking down the hallway at work this morning.
Oh yeah that's what you doing
Gotta try this.
Stop Killing Gingers..
Make sure to let your dough rise in a cool, dry area.
The F5 key and updates
Always Rember
This one always cracks me up
How to properly love a dog
New edition.
*Laugh Track*
anon reeee-invents himself
I see
Anon helps a kid
Scary true
June's a lucky girl
Would you be surprised?
This laptop takes a picture of whoever wakes it up
Only one
Shitty OC
Driver IQ Level: -912494734
Just put two 12 inch subs and an amp in the back of my car
Could work...
There’s a snake in my boot!
Your Uber has arrived at your location
Mixed Senses.
The masterpiece we deserve
When you're getting beatup and your fat friend tries to help
Kleenex really gave this Spider-Man tissue box a "crappy" design
Not hungry, eh?
This is so SAD can we P L E A S E copy strike the cuban dairy market?
Take a look at Vishnu Arora's collection.
He saved everyone but couldn't save himself
A job well done.