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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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This Taco Truck
Canada’s ***ed Big Time
I hear they're very rambunctious this time of year.
Black hole has fangs
A true cosplayer
Who do Cosmo and Wanda think they are fooling?
DerAnGeD NeIGhiNg
Just a run down on the score for the HSC2018 for all your Fresh-browsing niBBas
Pray for South Carolina...
Hold up, waiiiiiit
Get in muh belly!
So my son had a root canal today.
Hotel A/C has seen some shit.
Saw this bumper sticker today.
Seen on an English professor's door
He was just trying to get some lunch
Problems of a second grader.
alfred probably sent him to get over his fear
It kinda works
Morgan Freeman has always been old
Says every stoner I know
Silver surfer
Your garden is overgrown and your cucumbers are soft! Prepare to die.
Kinda awww but I can’t stop laughing. I just got my first big boy job and for my moms birthday I’m getting her new glasses. We’re not a rich family and she’s been wearing these for 3 years.
Abraham Drinkin'
Oh Geez doc.....
Getting a checkup after the World Cup
Oh, because knocking is overrated.
Ahh screw it, we burned ‘em. That’ll be $3 bucks.
Go ahead, do it
My sister recently got in to cross stiching
This guy knows what’s up.
: /
D Day. It begins.
I don’t know what I expected
One of my local churchs has some harsh feelings about Noah's choices.
This is not loss.
The sad, sad truth.
This is the ideal male body. You might not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
US: Leaves the human rights council
Bumping'em off, are we?
Arguing in the Shower
GIve it a few years
First thought that popped into my head when I saw this
m e t a
Stealth 100
big mcthankies
Co-worker spends a lot of time in the bathroom. So I ordered him this.
And Bananas
Free rider
love my girls :)
It in ground
Say my name!
When I decided to destroy drugs on my own.
I'll get that confession
>Using the 9 G A G logo
They went with Paladin so they can Tank AND Heal
Russian football hooligans in Moscow
Green Street Hooligans
Anon makes a girl cry
When you try to tag at night.
Buns of steel!
United States fans clean the stadium after their world cup match
Anon has some questionable plans...
Today I learned.
Thank You Driver
Hope she doesn't become invisible
What it's like working with all women and their lunch purses..
Origin of Dinosaurs
Office classics!
Miss u brother
Oh my, Ketel One.
Maybe another time
This is what I see every time I look at the Creed 2 poster.
When you spend a night at your friends house and they forget to give you a blanket
Security question
Would you like to play a game?
Stay woke.
Cat has his own TV
He got it just right.
Just leave while you still can
The power of flex tape
Sickest locker I've ever seen...
damn hes too nice
It’s not vandalism if it’s funny
Now you know which music to play when there are rats in your house
My favorite Joey moment
we are born from nothing and we shall return to nothing
Next time I'll leave two pairs labeled "before" and "after"