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Commenter of the Month

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Lemme smash pls
Install Wizard
An IT doctor.
Hard Reset
Told the wife I was going to get my ear pierced. She said absolutely not. Ordered a set of magnetic ones. She will flip when she gets home.
This note on the fridge at work
Doctorate in Theoretical Fizz-cis
I can't wait
Only the best will do
Guess not
Anon repairs a cumbook
What if venom had eyes?
s a n d f a c t s
Too much effort was put on this
Hmmm...Makes you wonder...
Slav and steady wins the race
What a sad loss
New Ad
TIME Magazine Latest Issue
Cigarette lol
Pigeons have lives too...
Meanwhile in Africa...
This foggy was obviously the best boi!
Ed Sheeran's albums throughout the years
Only in London
So true!!
Or deepfried
Wholesome birb
The wine, is sings to me
Marriage honesty.
Diversity pic ,reuse same guy to show as diversified company
All grown up.
Most helpful response I ever got from a question on Amazon.
My husband and I work opposite shifts and often don’t see each other all week, so I often times leave him sweet notes around the house. This was his first attempt at reciprocating.
Thanks mom
Stop, don't, come back....
Small world
Probably the best caption I’ve ever seen
I had no idea there were more, or that it was a stockphoto
Missing the dot when ordering a 6.5mm drill
Let my daughter give me a sleeve of temporary tattoos so I looked more like the other dad's at her school....
Please do not turn off the game.
Hard Working
Coincidence? I think not
A mountain and a volcano have a conversation
The old switch-a-roo
I’m full of relation...ship advice.
OK, I will try again later......
Me in every choice-based video game
Anon goes to glorious Nipon
Shy boi
That's why I'm here
bammit byslexia!
Just a normal day in Walmart
My place of Zen
The way of the lady
How heart attacks happen...
Experience the what??
If you shoplift, you’re a total loose butthole.
He's just a poser
My grandparents TV remote.
Summer expectations
How was I supposed to know I had to do it every day?
Not true Billy
Took me a minute
Someone’s fired
When your parents are a gateway drug...
Give him an around of applause.
No comment...
Prayers sent...
So true in life. When you lie on a resume and land the job.
That's pretty clever actually
It’s his ***ing birthday
This is so sad, can we restore 50 HP?
A Funny Interview Story
True Gentleman
The Bouncer
Normal blood cells vs. grandma’s blood cells
Yes dear!
Amazing fossil discovery!
Lego Scientist
This new hoe causes concern for the youth
I Put My Soul into My Artwork
Midnight binge..anyone?
Goddammit Micheal!
When she's smoking hot, single, 30, no kids or baggage.
The best language barrier story.