I wish more heavy machinery had signs like this on it. I'm always curious what they do... THE MORE YOU KNOW.

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Taco truck start doing business during accident related traffic jam
Great plan...
Hello darkness my old friend
rules to get on to the train are getting out of hand..
I need these!!
Not my family but they killed it
The line starts in the back
This dude blasted through the friend zone ceiling and kept on going into space
Photo is about 2 years old on the LOG RIDE at knotts berry farm . I can never lose this picture . And till this day they both make the same face going down the drop Haha.
Please come back Duddy -16
All time best
Marketing emails venn diagram
Was volunteering at a hospital and his mom said it was his first time seeing someone white.
The X Sign
if only our #1 had a doctor like House
Grandfather is going into an assisted living home and I’m cleaning out his trailer for him. Found this gem among his hoarder VHS collection.
Unifersal Fictures
Excellent catposting
When you are writing an exam and realize that there’s only 5 minutes left
And a nice burn to start the week-end
Come on. This will be fun. Look at the pic. Do something different. Anything new?
My friend sees the bright side of his puppy's injury
Police door key
Worst than comming sewer side
now.. i cant put my finger on it, but something looks oddly similar about these two photos
Anon is gay
Those were the good old days
Tanker truck accident in LA had people stuck on the freeway for hours...
Accidentally Racist!
He's trying but he can't.
Sofa Wolf
Now Hiring
Today’s Kids will never understand the struggle...
Poor product placement.
This man got roasted without even knowing
Damn furries
This is so sad
The one and only one
Open carry in Texas
Imagine running away from these
Now we know the secret
Wife said it was time for family pictures, photographer delivered!
Uhhh . . . that was fast
Look at me, I'm the Google Assistant now.
Relatable OC
Sorry friends
this is way too good
Hands are hard man..
When I downvote weebs but they still get to front
Sean did the world a favour
Looks like a solid purchase
And the loop continues...
When your kids ask how they were born, you can show them this...
10/10 Shoes
The many faces of Jim Carrey
Get Well Mark Zuckerberg
Death Takes A Holiday
Hey yowwww
Brave soul to admit.
motion to refer to kids as halflings
Cursed Image
Worlds greatest threats
The devastating effect of deforestation
I don't feel good Mr. Stark
And then the song isnt as good as you remembered
That’s how they work
I will save the world
The never ending button
*prefer not to answer*
╚═། ◑ ▃ ◑ །═╝
Got Shrimp?
I've been waiting 9 months for a coworker to ride his Harley to work so I could do this
I know you smiled
Night Of The Living Pickles...
Check out my new microphone
I was looking at Papa John’s pizza reviews and found this!
Acting skills 100
I found this note on my windshield after work. I thought I was pretty good about locking me car doors, but I guess not.
Love yourself, please hahahaha
Gets me everytime:p
Hiking Tip
Tired of “1st Day of school” posts?
Never been more relevant than now
Strong Bones
That will changer her mind
What a RΛVΣ(俺ミ悦)
And in 1998 when Bobby Boucher showed up at half time to help the Mud Dogs win the Bourbon Bowl