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Living it to the best.
Evil pareidolia sundae
Technically that's correct
Post - Bean
Squidward nose boob
This isn’t a HOEtel
My dad has had Snapchat for one day...
Memory Foam mattress ;)
Samuel L. Jackson is a genius amongst man.
No more music now
Anthony Bourdain on Jamie Oliver
Dr. Strange at it again
is it just me? lol thank you my friend.
You at least knew how it felt lmao
There isn't much difference
“I think a lot of us can relate,” I say while looking at my brother.
Typical me
I’m just hiding my pain in comedy.
Shadow clone jitsu
Guess we have that going for us...
Manliest way to eat a popsicle
they both ded
Never change, Jackie
Hotel? Trivago
The really do
Top 10 most aggressive dog breeds
Seek the ultimate power!
Extra competitive!
Thing was made out of adamantium
drunk text
"Mostly True"
my god karen
Ed Sheeran
Poor avacado
The guy on the left looks more like Harry Potter than Harry himself.
Now we know where groot went . . .
This November!
Wise King Solomon
Best way to deal with the police
Found some cool mountains but this lady won’t shut up and let me enjoy it.
this is so sad, can we get 17 likes?
My grandma turned 90 today. Every morning she goes to the MacDonalds for coffee and they had a party for her.
Distracted... driv...
But what if you log into Google on another device, but Incognito?
Sweet! A wireless doll!
Angels DO exist
Florida Interstates in a Nutshell
This purse looks like Hitler
Day 255 without sex, don't threaten me with a good time.
Wise indeed
When someone's numb or dumb
Yeah… let's put those two signs together
A Golden Retriever and Husky mix looks a dog that belongs to the white walkers on Game of Thrones.
Saw this hot rod this morning.
Don't talk about furry fight club
Three decades later, Seinfeld is till hitting home runs
So be it
Orcs: are they a danger or have you been reading numenorean hate speech?
Visited a RAF museum in Cornwall and saw this police statement.
How did i not notice?
Why are you taking so long?
inability to get its customers' names right LOL
I’ve failed as a cat dad. She’s on the pole.
A real life Venn diagram
A decision was made here...
Criminal counseling
My divorced parents sent me the exact same birthday card through the mail.
Be brave people!
What skills do you have?
Wish that was relatable
Generic meme
This is why I’m going to hell
Only made for humans
I’ll keep that in mind
What is this blasphemy!?!?
Linda is the actual worst
This fella gave oral sex to everyone at Brigham young university
We live in 2018 while this man lives in 3100.
The Resistors’ Cult
Oh my gawd
Damnit Jesus! My children are thirsty!
This license plate I found
This is my dog
My wife keeps putting the roll on backwards. I responded.
The greatest lower third ever!
dab on them haters
When you're sick of this format
This is how I roll ***es!
Who needs 60 watermelons??
Millennial Mullets
There is not a more accurate description