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ZA WaRuDo!
is what i would have said, if i was cool, or had anybody to yell at in the first place...
Pepe Collector

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War has changed
Watching Movies with Subtitles
Google in a bottle.
sacre blue
Because that’ll show them
Don’t be silly wrap your Willy.
heey, thats pretty good
New study
Jesus Christ, did nobody check the layout of this front page?
God bless farmers
"We care about your privacy" - all tech companies
this long salt tastes wierd
Video games are so sexist
Enjoy some crabby OC
A classic from the hacker known as "4chan"
heeyyy thats pretty good
When the camo works too well
Thanos after eating McDonalds
Oh yeah, that's how we like it
Hmm, no.
Selfyyy :)
Please, we need the karma to feed our famillies
Finding out the hard way
the suislide
180 gb was bae
My daughter had a math test at school. Time to switch schools.
Plotting the attack, one wrong're dead!
When you're not the favourite child
When you have a "hate my job day"
Space *e*
Haven't seen my roommate in 5 days. I came back to this on my door today
I would love the $1000 option
preferably not
Please come back Duddy -27
Get a Tan
That one user who leaves a comment and upvotes your post in new
But smart tho
Anon explains religion
Later virgins
*Déjà vu* intensefies
You never know where life will lead you
Listen here, kiddo
Jay got him a deal too!
Me rn.
Waiting for October like.....
Headline of Australia's best news site.
Goku was just a pothead
[Not blood related]
Just keep breathing just keep breathing...
This Nike thing is getting good
Her tattoo says "fresh spring rolls" in Thai.
Whose bringing this to Christmas dinner this year??
Stumbled across this earlier and it made my night.
My dog woke up one day and decided he hated his dog bed.
The actual caller ID
The hero we need but don’t deserve
At the beginning there was nothing. Then God created this
Just stop already
Step one, who knows what step one is?
Vaccines work.
Seems like a handy guide.
Happy birthday to you, and you and you and...
So true, thoughts ladies?
Learning you can move your eyebrows...
Gotta use incognito mode next time
My mom called me and told me she had ordered a “little black dress” for me that I would love. This came in the mail today
Good Old Stephen Colbert
Shark Week in Alabama
What can men do against such reckless hate?
I call that...mercy
Roger Roger
Can't say no to the wavy one
Queen Elizabeth and Steve Harvey always dress like they’re going to the prom together
Need more light hearted fun like this in the world.
Poop comes when we least expect it
Business man
Eddie Murphy in 1983
Google FTW
Sign me in ASAP
A month ago, I replied to a spam email from someone named Dave Thomas, jokingly telling him to stick to his fast food business instead of spamming people. Today, I received this letter from him.
Somebody toucha my ramen
The current form of god
I’m 27 and it blew my mind
Best Shirt Ever
Told y’all