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Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me.
I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed.
10-Year Club

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My workplace has a sense of humor. Poor Nathan.
But seriously think about it
Spidey and MJ
They will spread the big gay
While I was in Vatican City I found that ancient Rome has the best memes.
Redneck + Flexseal =
Cows: "Look at this little cow!"
Setting priorities
North / South Carolina weather right now.
Owhh sorry.........
Happy 911 y'all
Java Java
Going to work on monday
This crap taxidermy. Currently on display at the shanghai natural history museum
Public service announcement for our Carolina dlfriends
When your Dad comes out to greet your new girlfriend.
Most Legit Prison Tattoo
Alabama highways are getting out of hand
$300 text book
Prepping for Florence!
Technically his answer is not wrong
Your dad was right son.
The South will rise again
The adventures of the man who cannot orgasm
Killer Queen's third bomb is already inside your eye...
Trying to get your girlfriend to calm down
Such original badge.
How to please and annoy everyone at the same time
RAM's lovers Rhyme
"200 rounds"
red ded retention
The Samurai were centuries ahead of their time
haha yes
Ban day
Ominous minor chords intensify
That's so me
man, what are you doing here?
Yer a rockstar Harry
Ack Ack
I confess to it all
This is getting out of hand
Musk we here for u
like I even need an excuse
When I take exams
We got light up glasses for a black light party. My son, who has autism, now claims them for his own to read with... right before bed...
Is this a bad sign
Let's face the ugly truth
Yooo the church ain't messing around no more
Barney is the best intimidation
Always laugh when you can. It is cheap medicine.
Why you shouldn’t wait until retirement to travel
My mom is an elementary school teacher. When the kids all walked into the building to start their day, this random guy decided to join the crowd and get an education. 10/10 good educated boy.
A million to one.
The good junkie.
When you can’t afford something so you have to put it back
Can someone from the nurse's station call and ask what what he's asking for....please!
Hail Caesar
Illinois State Police feeling a bit ‘passive’-aggressive
German language is always full of surprises for me
like a man
All of the Northeast United States right now
Constant reminders
Had to vent...
Stay in school kids.
What our 7 yr old deemed necessary as backpack essentials for our trip to IKEA this afternoon.
Life in Hurricane Country
Why does Cardi look like an randomized Oblivion character and Nicki a randomized Skyrim character
Not the ring they hoped for..
I would love to join your cult!
My cheeky coworkers.
Sword Nuts In Texas
Begone N O R T O N
The east coast right now...
Honesty in my son's homework
You never know when it's going to blow!
Roast them artificials
When you’ve only been living in South Carolina for 3 weeks and a category 4 hurricane is approaching
Foolin' with the Witch's brew
If your dad doesn’t fall asleep like this on the couch at 9pm, is he really your dad?
Why is fall my favorite season?
As long as you love me
Pretty Dizzying...
They tasted good...
Even with a hurricane approaching, people would rather starve than eat vegan food
Can’t find them
Anon gave himself a concussion