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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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No lies deteced
Hey look its that game crown.
Who can relate?
understandable tho
When Bowsette and Lämp posts are more popular than Tintin posts
yee TinTin.
like if your watching in the future and you get the reference
Silence ?
When Your Mom Buys Off-Brand Cereal
The General Wee
I'd do that
Wtf Nicolas Cage?
Anon wants to wank
Finally arrived
Damn he's smart
Hmmm wait a minute
Light vs Dark
I'm getting real tired of your shit Tintin.
Miss shows like this
hated teachers for that
Stunning piece of graffiti - well done that person
do it
special bar full
Good luck bro
Look ma, I'm posting.
Who threw the dogs all over the floor?
Our local Vet has a sense of humor.
Are you going to do something about this?
How can I have the same amount of cool as those Anime characters
Working Retail
Jerry visits a mumps clinic
Didn't even ask about his moose knuckle
Looks like old Bill saw it coming
Did I make a funny?
Oh Goodwill
If you know, you know
I can't be the only one... Right?
Mexico so hot right now
When parents make it awkward.
One of these days
Stupidity is not a Disability
Cause the boys in the hood are always hard...
Tumblr is ironic. Ha, ironic
The picture this club chose to use as an advertisement on Facebook
Back together at last!
Everything is bigger in Texas.
She's not worth it.
My friend made a wreath. It might be a bit early for xmas, but it's perfect for Halloween.
Beware Ainsley Harriot
I think my Google Assistant needs a nap
the joys of singleness
1 month free trials are the best
Rare photo of sea tank hatchlings released back to the sea
Local church with a questionable sign message.........
Business Tips 101
Found this gold in my AP Bio textbook
Old new
"The loser dyes"
This guy loves to share his life!
That's some advanced wizardry
He dyed doing what he loved...
When your medical facility was converted from an old chocolate factory...
Was strolling around on google street view when I stumbled upon this guy
It’s clear enough
He had to find out sometime.
Cleaning Tortoni
A photo of my parent's house, taken by their neighbour, while my parents were out for the day. My parents don't own a cat.
"Men need to open up more and share their feelings"
As god intended
My love life...
Jojo makes miracle
This old man is talented af
The future of Pirates of the Caribbean
Truly a mystery
Stranger Danger !
AKA how to get your house egged
Escaping the law
These NFL rules are getting out of hand
High school freshmen...
Blaze it, biatch.
The dream is dead
Play Despacito
HDMI kids won't understand.
Condom commercials should just use this image.
The very hungry L A M P
He regrets everything
You don't want to know what happens in Funky Mode