Found the guy my math teacher was talking about

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Parking in front of a liquor store
I'm telling you Ron, these are better than magic wands!
I wish I was that guy
The living braindead
Netflix could be the Cupid of streaming services
Permanent costume.
Black humor y’all
From Jeroom, my favorite cartoonist.
traps everywhere
Grandma is just looking out for you.
Asked if I could take his picture, he said "no hablo inglés" and then said "I'm just f**king with you, go ahead..."
how you gonna pay rent
Might Be true
My dog looks like an Old Jedi Master
Wait until it finishes shrinking, then you'll understand.
The absolute madlad!
And A Crunchy New Year!
He is not allowed in the bathroom. So he sometimes sneaks in and does... this.
Truth or Dare?
My Dad lost his leg but not his sense of humor.
Large sharpened colored pencils
Idles - Well Done.mp3
Calm down, Calm down
Don't fall victim to this
fitness goals
If you get bullied you have to deal with it yourself
That reflection though...
It’s just plain common knowledge
Do you understand the words that's are coming out of my mouth?!?!
Its hamtaro time!
It's only a matter of time when people realize what the true religion is.
It's over Anakin
You can check out any time you like
Is that just toothpaste?
we will find them
Hmm ok
Can't wait for Shrek 5
lol, legit
They said all arms and legs inside the ride.
This movie is Oscar worthy!
One of the few perks of living in Arizona
Teachers when you ask a question
Get outta my personal space.
Lets go green ...
Just married....... 2 years ago but still
Please stop flipping me off...
You are not you when you are hungry
Oh sh't he got him
When you wake up the next morning and realize why the hooker was half price
They just want to help! It's not their fault we're so fragile.
Anon has ptoblems
Can confirm, live in England
Dress the way you want to
Thanks Driver
Gotta do what you’ve gotta do to get what you want
Life Be Like That Sometimes
I've lost count of how many times this has happened
This is my nightmare
The next leap, may be the one to take me home.
welp thats a nice story
Warnings? Never heard of em.
To serve and correct!
Anon sucks
Thanos should snap for antivaxxers instead.
I like twitter... is an old one
What even are feelings
Where is the bus going?
canon timeline
Frida Gomam
This is so smart
I do not understand.
Wheres my super suit
But, let's not jump to conclusions here.
That Fiona and me...
I don't believe it...I'm on a wall!!!.
"Offline for 5 years"
Mr. Stark, I don't feel so good..
well are they wrong?
Necessary purchase
Emotional Moment
This advice for dog owners
Your mom’s a hoe
Hold dees
I just got my 23 and Me results back.
This is the worst feeling everrrre :(
That explains so much
She doesn’t look a day over 130
Imma good boi