How many days in a row can I use dry shampoo? Asking for a friend...

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If there’s a war in 2030
Cats never forget
When you get rescued from the dog shelter, but you realize your owner is a weirdo
No worries?
Small kestrel tries stealing from hawk
When Lightning McQueen gets stung by a bee
A good future will blossom for you
Freelancing in a nutshell:
I’m okay, trust me
Lost cat had the time of his life.
Not like planned
Cheese it, the fuzz!
Why is this so good?
Great taste? It's in there!
I feel like I just interrupted a meeting for little demons
What ever happened to.....
Posted on a nursery door at church warning parents not to bring their sick kids into class
DDR ram
Survival of the not so fittest...
Kiwi Has a Twin!
Best scene in the whole movie ; change my mind
He got mad i made him wear a seat belt.
Why Johnny?
A reminder for certain individuals.
Praying for an accident
Things were better then
Not a morning person, i guess
Natural Selection is a cruel mistress
You're not my real ladder!
The classic video game systems
IQ 300
Walls Don’t Work?
Snap into a Slim Jim
Every girl ever
Oof lol
I declare Matthew McConaughey the Santa Clause of Thanksgiving
Papa no!
Todd, give me power!
Just be normal Florida
Once you've seen it you can't unsee it
I found this pretty funny
how to literally scare the crap out of someone
Cat’s been hitting the gym lately
How to get profanity past the vanity plate censors
This Shop Lets Liam Neeson Eat For Free So He Shows Up
Well spent time
Can't catch me lol
It always be jammin'
It’s funny cause it’s true
Next Star Wars movie announced
Who did this!?
My friends didn't laugh
The Facts don’t lie.
Thanks, Satan!
Got done a heccin lol
The more people I meet, the more I like the dog
Thats a long minute!
PLAYER 2 Entered the game
Gonna drop this one on her for the win
“Nah bruh, this ain’t a pyramid scheme”
Picking up...
How to properly use twitter
When u ask ur dog !
cro magnon noises
Dont Bork Ned
So I work at soobway, last shift I cut my hand pretty bad on the cookie tongs . Bad enough that I had to close the store early. This was my welcome back to work today.
When you are in the toilet pushing so hard that you end up unintentionally teleported
Right back at ya
This gave me a chuckle
Uh, yeah I'm pretty sure I don't want to do this...ever.
"Mark the intruder in each family"
He did it.
Can't wait to play Diablo Mobile
Ahhh the good ol days
Airplane is the funniest movie of all time. If you haven’t seen it, you all need to.
*Record scratch* freeze frame: That's me, I bet you're wondering how I ended up in this situation
Awww....The Perfect Couple....
How robots took over.
Sounds like a plan to me.
please no
9 to 5.
J for Genius
You've grown so big -My aunt or from a porno. Don't rember. maybe both
It's too late
Still lost till this day
*trumpets in the distance*
it’s depressing
our reward
Seriously, why did it go off?
You better believe I'm singing that instrumental