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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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He looks so happy :(
Science is amazing!
Makes you ponder what life is really about.
What if the animals in the live action Lion King movie had eyes just like in the animated movie?
A minion fire pit.
John Wick : be kind to animals...
the best news
Not sure if this is lowkey creepy or just funny
Get you someone...
Wyoming wind sock.
I'm not sure which is better.
There are more than four lights now
Feels good when you come up with it right away too.
Curious how the live action movie’s going to handle this scene...
Im here 4 u
The Antithesis of Furry
US team refuses to stand during anthem
rip in piece
Some Assembly Required.
The kale forests are almost all gone…
This is kind of impressive actually.
This tree was too big to fit in the car
Sounds like a regular day.
Never ceases to amaze
Rethinking my Christian missionary trip...
With the Frizz? No Way!!!
A reminder of how backward and dangerous the world once was.
A genius businessman
A student got her laptop stolen, this is the email she got afterwards
Hey, Satan’s gotta eat too.
Back when i found this legendary street
Our boy Mitch, being honored the right way.
Horrors of the trench
I already know what i want for christmas
It would be funny if this was real xD
It’s real
“Ooooo I like the one in the corner.”
When your parents ask if youre eating well in college
bones aren't stupid
Revolver Ocelot
HL community
Honored Coach
Congratulations! You're an adult.
I dont want to offend anyone but...
I wonder how long Scratch will go unnoticed by mom
My local weather station, telling it in real life terms.
This is something my dog would do lol
Not quite the choice I was expecting there Spotify...
Life uhh, finds a way
Nature could be more terrifying
Grandmother at religious school.
*Pulls over to get gas* Google Maps:
A one-time use hammer
How do I look? Not bad
Hard stuff
Quick mafs
This tool is amazing
suk it
Shower olympics
You lied
Christmas is coming, Don't ask for a brother
I feel like this happened in every single book
Historically Edgy
notice me, downudder senpai
Spies are everywhere
What a deal
Where are they?
I’m not sure I should be laughing.
This post is only for 1990’s kids
My souvenir from Chernobyl.
The path
R is equals to L or sort of
Early Facebook engineers finish up Mark Zuckerberg
Only difference is that it was Detroit police
Every single semester
Anon knows what to say
So our new kitten loves our tree I guess...
The hero we all need, but don’t deserve
My grandma just sent me this pic of her dog, with no explanation..
This hits home a little too hard
Cleveland Police got jokes.
*starts sweating nervously*
How true
How's that new Vietnamese place?
The problem with clowns
This cat likes to collect rocks
Hey! At least they aren’t autistic
16 years
Ill wait.
Meanwhile ;-)
Thought provoking art at a local Chinese restaurant