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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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If bad word, run ban protocol
I didn't know Lincoln was Canadian.
Riots = Upvote Farming
This should be mandatory
Mentality be like
Every time trying to cook something that look pretty.
E hmmm
Wholesome. Stolen from facebook stolen from tumblr.
Our gift to you Youtube
You’re doing great sweety
Does it count???
downvote if ur mom gay
New Lion King
It’s true though :0
I dont wont to die virgin
Love lotr memes
Your momma makes a comebacc
When we role playing before sex but I get too into my character
Just a cat chilling on glass
RARE! Dr. Pepper’s inbred children all in one pic.
A bar graph of the unpopularity of macarons in this box of macarons
U can always eat more fries
Spotify is better. Change my mind
I need context lol
***es see your inner beauty when your wallet is deep
Finally a REAL youtube rewind!
If Jesus had a girlfriend
Homework, child can’t spell. But neither can teacher.
Now why'd you have to go and do that
Designed a new logo for Tumblr.
So much sewing supplies in one display stand.
Those brows though
We live in a society...
The facial expression you make
Any Die Hard fans out there?
On her last day of work she was allowed to arrange the letter board one last time, and this was her message. Her bosses were ok with it and left it up.
I need karma but I like memes.
Bill hiding between two bushes
The new leader of introverts
Sing it like the song
Citizen of Earth
Walking dead title
Motivational poster
Hello little fella..
The truth is hard.. Like your dad... a few minutes ago...
Head lock
I was wondering why mom had a severed toe as a Christmas ornament...
This is indeed true
"You're out of trash, btw"-Raccoon
Seven cats...
Lil Debbie
Now there's something you don't see every day.
I can hear the screams
HDMI kids just wouldn't understand
My 8gb of ram
Then I switched to samsung.
I just stumble upon this truly amazing absolutely true fact
Ground floor apartment, Central London.
We need to increase garlic production immediately.
The last known photo of the Elf of the Shelf.
These kids were asked to dress up as Elves for their school play. One kid dressed up as Elvis
The new live-action Naruto remake look amazing.
I feel you man
I think I won yesterday
Hee hee
Where’s the money, Lebowski?
Ant Man to the rescue
Wendy’s please explain.
God bless the 21st century
~~~happy dance~~~
Meanwhile, in New Orleans...
Saddest uninstaller ever.
CHECKMATE, pro-oxygen people! Let,s join the war againts oxygen.
This ghost is so very wholesome!
This made me laugh harder then it should have.
The greatest selfie of all time.
What Facebook looks like when you get to 25, and everyone you went to school with is married and having kids.
What is Russia famous for?
Always chasing that dragon
A baby gorilla and a baby human reacting to a cold stethoscope.
A photo of Jeff Bezos In his office during the early days of Amazon, 1999
From Texas with love.
The K clan!
If that’s not true love then I don’t know what is
He is named Percival.
You made me use a meme I think is shit, good job.
Okay, you can stay
have yall seen this yet
The Feud
How 2018 went so far compared to other years!
My doctor has a great sense of humor
Girlfriend was curious about my new underwear, so I sent her a duck pic
When you didn't study for your history test.
I’ve seen this movie and it doesn’t end well.
So this is how planes are Born
I did this like 8 times! Stop human!