These kids were asked to dress up as Elves for their school play. One kid dressed up as Elvis

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The new live-action Naruto remake look amazing.
I feel you man
I think I won yesterday
Hee hee
Where’s the money, Lebowski?
Ant Man to the rescue
Wendy’s please explain.
God bless the 21st century
~~~happy dance~~~
Meanwhile, in New Orleans...
Saddest uninstaller ever.
CHECKMATE, pro-oxygen people! Let,s join the war againts oxygen.
This ghost is so very wholesome!
This made me laugh harder then it should have.
The greatest selfie of all time.
What Facebook looks like when you get to 25, and everyone you went to school with is married and having kids.
What is Russia famous for?
Always chasing that dragon
A baby gorilla and a baby human reacting to a cold stethoscope.
A photo of Jeff Bezos In his office during the early days of Amazon, 1999
From Texas with love.
The K clan!
If that’s not true love then I don’t know what is
He is named Percival.
You made me use a meme I think is shit, good job.
Okay, you can stay
have yall seen this yet
The Feud
How 2018 went so far compared to other years!
My doctor has a great sense of humor
Girlfriend was curious about my new underwear, so I sent her a duck pic
When you didn't study for your history test.
I’ve seen this movie and it doesn’t end well.
So this is how planes are Born
I did this like 8 times! Stop human!
Red Bull didn't lie to us after all
I miss the Colbert Report
yugoslavian wars
2018 in a nutshell.
View from the outside of a building
First there was the face swap, and now there is... THE HAIR SWAP.
Perks of being an English major
Makes u think...
He is a good bloke that Jesus H Christ
immaculate deception
birds are nice
Yeah bob, who is it??
Santa chocolate sure looks delectable
This is just a sandwich .... sexy sandwich
Later muggles
I is a dragon
Found this comment
Be happy
Marketing Magic
These Two Dogs Made My day :D Funny Doggoos
I am still for the riot but I think thats funny
ship toasting
my black peen
poor kitty part 2
context matters when saying the N-word, now this shit right here, that's racist
"Meet the funniest place in the universe"
poor kitty
poor kitty part 3
Wheel of misfortune
Yes I am male. Yes I am female. We exist.
*Eyecancer intensifies*
Couldn’t sleep so I’m posting a Dick pic
When you move and your snapchat filter comes off
This is why the internet was invented!
just hurting the site with this policy of reporting users
The Ford Focus and Ford Fiesta are great and all, but you can’t beat a Classic Ford Mustang
lifehack of the day
The truth about dad jokes
No more Lego’s :(
There is power in unity
Who is your God now?
Think about that.. Just think about
Frank Come on..
Their faces!
Communication: the leading cause of cancer
Lord farquaad still looking for a queen guys.
Good luck finding your child
All in one trip.
The Silence of the Commuter
Husband of the Year
I’ll see your Ford Focus, and raise you a Ford Fiesta
I absolutely agree ;)
This guy is a genius ...
So many magic eight-balls at the bowling ally...
The dog is OK...
Deep sea fishing maybe
The words of a very wise individual.
My grandpa won 1st place in a Christmas costume party!