My Grandma asked for a Classic Nintendo for Christmas because she read that playing will, “improve her memory.”

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Orange or green pllls
My little sisters ugly Christmas sweater for family dinner...
Welcome to bean world
A Christmas Thank You to Jewish People Everywhere from Owners of Chinese Restaurants
ffs this isn’t even that funny why am I laughing so hard
Just bloody watch it
The second-most anticipated film of 2019
Grandma got a new game for Christmas.
Quite possibly my favorite gift this holiday season.
yo guys i think i got the wrong console
My gift from my grandparents today
Sending my brother posts while we’re apart
Not fake history
Every year I make a Christmas card picture with my dog, and gf and me in it. Here’s this year’s.
She fell in love
Polite Squirrel
Looks like Harry is enjoying his christmas present
Progress Pic
Ugly Christmas Sweater Winner
Remaining noble
Anyone know where to get this?
Well that got dark quick.
I love tacobell tacos and memes. My gf knew the perfect gift to get me.
Are you surprised?
Smile at strangers to make the world happier
We had two wars about this!
This is exactly why my twin sister and I have to do Christmas shopping together. Sorry grandma!
Christmas at mom and dad’s...
Insta wifi
What does someone have to do to get a day off..Jesus Christ!
Beefburger not hamburger
I gave my brothers paintings of Randy Marsh for Christmas.
My sister loves her gift. You can really see it in her face
My dad made me these "decorative trees" in his workshop for Christmas.
Fly free
I'm protestant and had to go to my first Catholic Mass today
The HL meetup was pretty cool
79 year old Clark Griswold, aka Chevy Chase
Damn Kids & Their Phones
Someone in the DOT has a great sense of humor. I77 Cleveland Ohio.
Got my nephew a hat for Christmas. My sister just sent me this.
True. Cant deny
My EMT brother got me a very important medical bracelet this year.
This scene is so hard to watch.
The universe is speaking to me
Santa made it all the way to Brazil. After that...
Murr n shit
I asked for art for my new apartment this Christmas. May I present “butterflies”, a painting from my nieces made entirely with their butt cheeks. Lovely.
We’re less than a week away
Christmas is a little different with Machete.
Help me
Mom wanted a computer for Christmas. She was initially disappointed.
Now that’s a nice Christmas gift
It's time to choose guys.
The greatest achievements of mankind
Can confirm. Source: Am college student.
If only . . .
I give shitty gifts.
Whose counting down
Santa really came through on stocking stuffers this year.
Every year my family does a Secret Santa and Secret Satan and my brother-in-law has had me for Satan for the past four years straight.
First edition!
The PC is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural
*piano intro plays*
TIL half cooked eggs can't be cooked further in the microwave.
When your parents wrap your presents last minute
Frosty Prosthetic for Sale
I vow myself to answer every single comments like last year! Merry Christmas Hugelol!
It could've been avoided
My life is a lie...
When it’s cold outside
A red sun rises...sassy liquor has been spilled this night.
Standard unit of measurement
Baby Jesus seems to be a bit grumpy.
These Christmas cracker jokes are getting more trippy every year...
Fight to the death.
Condom Ad
Most accurate excuse ever
Well this is interestins
Visiting my parents for Christmas, and they don't have wifi
Uber Tip 101: Preventive Laugh is Better than Cure
Lubricant is essential
Great Big Woofer
Why I love cats, but will never trust them
Silly ol bear
Going minimalistic this season
That’s Some Facts
Simple but important
I discovered a harsh reality this christmas
My cousin stained her couch and decided to stencil paint it to “divert” attention...we made her this shirt for Xmas
Thoughts and prayers!
Could you ***in not?
Hugelol Rewind 2018
Damn snakes and their instagrams
Dbrand gets it
Happy Holidays Everyone.