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ZA WaRuDo!
is what i would have said, if i was cool, or had anybody to yell at in the first place...
Pepe Collector

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And you thought it was just a myth
The size of this squirrel my dad has been feeding. Absolute unit.
To the seven users that upvotes me at night, thank you
A weapon to surpass the Metal Gear
To rising we shall go !
"Shirtception" - my favorite gift every year from my brother. We're now at level 5.
Daddy's favorite!
I drunk ordered a Christmas present for my brother, was not disappointed in myself.
Alphabet checks out
My cat fell asleep on my new Christmas present...
She looks happier after
Words of comfort
yes u r
Prehistoric Math
Finally Christmas dinner is out.
My 2 year old made a clay snowman. I think I heard it whisper “kill me... please...”
Asked my sister for a novelty shower curtain for Christmas. Was not disappointed!
My son’s Thomas the Tank Engine toy looks like it killed another tank engine and is wearing its face...
Heading back into the office
Not the spin-off that I want to see
Washed The Animals Today
The perfect gift.
Has happened to me in a class
Some farm animals at my local adoption shelter try harder
When you are not sure whether she is angry or not??
Humans ffs.
That’s a REALLY good question
I asked nicely
What a responsible bloke.
Shoutout if you toot your semi truck
Merry Christmas Poor People
Puppers customer service
The men's room at any major convention
Nice photoshop.
You need balls to do that..
Top 92% Stupidity
And the LORD said unto him, who's a good boy?
That's the spirit, CVS
Font matters
TFW your brother outdoes you in gift wrapping. He wins!
AI have the weirdest boner right now
Jus a little chilly
*** lasaga
Smart parent shopping
My uncle's real estate agency sold a property a few months ago where the seller and buyer got in a disagreement over a chicken coop that had to be removed and replanted with grass. It just grew in.
Lol me this am
What's with these wise guys?
R.I.P. hamster
The pillow my mom made me really ties the room together
My brother isn’t very social, he sent me this.
My Grandma asked for a Classic Nintendo for Christmas because she read that playing will, “improve her memory.”
Orange or green pllls
My little sisters ugly Christmas sweater for family dinner...
Welcome to bean world
A Christmas Thank You to Jewish People Everywhere from Owners of Chinese Restaurants
ffs this isn’t even that funny why am I laughing so hard
Just bloody watch it
The second-most anticipated film of 2019
Grandma got a new game for Christmas.
Quite possibly my favorite gift this holiday season.
yo guys i think i got the wrong console
My gift from my grandparents today
Sending my brother posts while we’re apart
Not fake history
Every year I make a Christmas card picture with my dog, and gf and me in it. Here’s this year’s.
She fell in love
Polite Squirrel
Looks like Harry is enjoying his christmas present
Progress Pic
Ugly Christmas Sweater Winner
Remaining noble
Anyone know where to get this?
Well that got dark quick.
I love tacobell tacos and memes. My gf knew the perfect gift to get me.
Are you surprised?
Smile at strangers to make the world happier
We had two wars about this!
This is exactly why my twin sister and I have to do Christmas shopping together. Sorry grandma!
Christmas at mom and dad’s...
Insta wifi
What does someone have to do to get a day off..Jesus Christ!
Beefburger not hamburger
I gave my brothers paintings of Randy Marsh for Christmas.
My sister loves her gift. You can really see it in her face
My dad made me these "decorative trees" in his workshop for Christmas.
Fly free
I'm protestant and had to go to my first Catholic Mass today
The HL meetup was pretty cool
79 year old Clark Griswold, aka Chevy Chase
Damn Kids & Their Phones
Someone in the DOT has a great sense of humor. I77 Cleveland Ohio.
Got my nephew a hat for Christmas. My sister just sent me this.
True. Cant deny
My EMT brother got me a very important medical bracelet this year.
This scene is so hard to watch.
The universe is speaking to me
Santa made it all the way to Brazil. After that...
Murr n shit
I asked for art for my new apartment this Christmas. May I present “butterflies”, a painting from my nieces made entirely with their butt cheeks. Lovely.