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I'm here since the beginning. I have seen all posts on Front since the birth of HL.
Hardcore Commenter

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Do it
Send the Troops
It's going nowhere..
how it's made
Thanks Abe
yes he does
As someone on the spectrum, I hear a whole lot of garbage about vaccines being the cause of autism. Lately, this has been making the rounds in my Asperger's circles.
This shit science!
Past, present, future.
If only there was something...
This kid looks like he's on his second divorce
Linus Door Tips
It's right here in my hand
Help me find a baby
This guy won a raffle ticket to Fyre and had a stellar time
How I sit
DoCtoRs DoN't Do sHiT
No hate to old dads
(no cows whatsoever appeared in the whole anime)
Monday again.
We're dropping in the nether fortress bois
Chuck em
Guy charging his phone on the bus
“You’ll have to work late tonight”. “Ok great”
This is getting out of hand! Now, there are two of them!
Sometimes you find gold in the wild.
This review.
Look on Twitter.
Henlo frens.
When the realization sets in
Don't mess with the clouds!
You don’t like my cans?
rember happy day!
Best shirt ever!!!
The Sharon’s
You have been bamboozled
I disagree, it's impossible to hate Tom Hanks
Wroom Wroom
Credits : @Skeleton_Claw
Long live the panda
Let the dog laugh oute first
There was a nut free zone sign outside of the girls locker room
from that day forward he was
Good guy Quora user
I seriously have no clue
Mafia Cat
Great thinking
I am, yes
A Silent Slapstick Masterpiece
And then
Miss Marple and Chill
Robin Williams offering a toilet roll to ’ The Thinker’
Many can relate
This is how people think people eat breakfast in the US
This is why I have a hard time watching foreign movies
Gotta finish it before she climbs out of the cup
Someone needs to speak the truth.....
I'm worried
The rest of the conversation was in binary.
How I choose my Tomatoes
Mans got strategies
What if?
The infinity Sock
Swedish wellknown publicgrounds.
"I am so done with my life now" - cow
Steve-O’s dog has a reeeeeally long tongue.
Low Blow.
The truth has been spoken
Grilled cheese dip
Modern problems, modern solutions
Pooh and Piglet have deep thoughts.
Just two buddies hanging out
That's exactly the kind of situation that needs explaining
Oh, ok :(
Take him out
An international student hospitalised in China and the nurse who couldn’t speak English, informed him about his surgery with this note.
Pretend u got it
I Nots Movings
Ru oh
Got it
Weird episode
That‘s a wise statement
Worth a chuckle
Some say he's half man, half fish; some say it's more of a 70/30 spit
He never saw it coming
ya'll blew it
The longer you stare at it the worse it gets.