Would you like to know the gender of the baby...Yes sure...Sith Lord...Excuse me?...Boy, it's a boy.

repost of https://hugelol.com/lol/579225
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Stay calm.
I remember when Galaxy Note 7s would explode in pockets.
I’m currently at work and can 100% support this.
Only the purest at heart can wield it
girls power
Polar vortex in Midwest causing schools to close.
Dog's Head in the Snow
them orange men be bad
"ughhh daddy... Its this peasant again..."
What should have been
No hostages!
This evidence is admissible.
Brenda doesnt know
That shit is addictive....
This is an Electric Car Society
And with the first overall pick in the 2019 Snowpocalygeddon Draft, we choose...
Crisis avoided!
It couldn't hurt to try?
February is coming
I'm at the gym
Still better than Twilight.
Weight loss truths.
What a life I turned out to have!
art is everything which can explain things
But it’s natural
But it's for science!
Cue thunder and lightning
this is future
Seriously though we used to write everything asap and then these guys!!!
Deep cat thoughts
It's ok to be different from everyone else as long as you feel healthy!
Best day at MacDonald’s
Perfect Slogan never exi...
I finally did it, give me fake internet points!
I dont understand people who dont have money
That one friend we will always have!
Ready for duty
What are you gonna do about it
i told ya, meeh
Someone had to say it
Polar vortex my ass...
The truth is smelly sometimes.
I'll have door number one please Bob
Friends! Take and enjoy!
How I assume lesbian threesomes work.
I’ll leave this here
Oooooh yes
How I tell other I spend my holiday
Work smarter, not harder
Funny sign for Vacuum store.
My precious ... pearly whites!
BYE BYE lil Sebastian
The wind chill in Minneapolis is currently -50°F
It was right about time...
Daily occurrence though
Not a father, but I have this same argument with myself every night.
get pranking, nibbas
Purchased this old school bus, now what?
Fight like a man
Every Old Man’s Facebook
no you ain't
Noticeably White
My inspector didn’t find it as funny as I did!
Punch it, Chewie!
Lucky old June
Here lies the brutal truth.
It's so cold here...
thank god
A card created today for a game I'm currently developing.
The heart wants what it wants
I want this dogo
It's getting bad out there. Stay safe, everyone.
Happy and sad
Our kid just caused a family panic by running into the room and telling us he had Pooh in his pants.
the "H" in Harry Potter stands for Hitler
So true i know some americans here in canada who think the same thing
If cats could text
In case you thought your day was shit
My new hobby is taking pictures of my TV at an angle
At least he tried
This thing cost me $300 and it's an empty box
Actual pictures of me
“Once you have the amulet, and the dragon is dead, then return to me..”
The Polar vortex is real, people.
Its the midwest, what else we gon' do?
I'm more fuel-efficient than my own car...
Come here you.
Thank you for the instructions!
Yes. It IS THAT COLD. And I'm not ashamed.