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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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"Babe, just hologram in to work tomorrow."
It’s tax season baby.
A true visionary
She watched it snow so long she became snow herself...
So uh, my dad left the sprinkler on.
Mistakes were made
Uncle Ben!!!
they disrespect us
My Life ._.'
Pain Chart at the Docs office today
My attempt to get a new trash can without making a phone call.
You were gone so long
They really do grow up too fast
Dad sneezes are a force of nature
It's like that sometimes
Very good boi
100% battery
Chucky's little sister
I don't think it worked well last time
Everyone should do their homework!
Nemo died!
It ain’t much but it’s honest work
The terribles
I’d rather be a baby
After thousands of years, humans are still being played like a fiddle.
Today is my 36th bday. This was my fave card, from my 9 year old daughter
The new wake & bake
Close enough
Bored at office? Got an idea for you!
Kebab Man
Sorry buddy
Dammit, Abby!
Only at GameStop
swim trunks
I’m all for equal treatment
Still figuring out the correct way
That’s cute
Last night I got high as *** and started cleaning the house top to bottom. Seemed like a waste of a high until this morning...
It's treason
Thank you Randy Savage
Great start
When you’re evil but use your powers for good
Wow, they sure are angry
Am i hired?
Teacher understands the true potential of his students.
So It's Like That
Aminals Dump
Thank you for sorting by new
I don't think they thought this sign through
Run for it
My cat is an idiot but adorable <3
Sikh sense of humor
They did nazi that coming
The only dick pic to slip past online censors
Three inches is three inches...
But there’s only one seat.
I want that genie
Alien vs. Predator
What kind of man or woman would ypu like?
My Owner Sleeps All Day
Booting challenge.
I had a few takes at this
Baby shark
Ma girl
Times really have changed.... it seemed like yesterday....
This picture hung sideways in a McDonald’s
It’s almost that time!
How could I..
My sister made me my own version of my favorite picture
More like Lil Dumbass Tee
No they're gross and leave their nasty residue on everything they touch.
Tin Roof Rusted
An Interesting Menu for my Family's wedding
Disney our Lord
Christian pasta
what realm is this!
Creative genius
It's just you now
The Super Bowl Halftime Show
Shitty Earth
This cat has a black chin. It always looks surprised
A dedicated teacher...
They ain't ready !!
Offensive Crayons
And this probably last
He pulled a switcheroo
Star wars condom
Little atheistic joke
hol up
The Lunch Triangle
This is literally me every year
Dear Starbucks that is no my name
G A L L E R Y.
Bramble jam