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Im sorry but if you are not taken away in an ambulance with sparkle panties, oompa Loompas and 2 crying easter bunnies… are just not living your life to the fullest.
Now this, I can relate to.
Someone had to help
Rami Malek always looks like he's trying to eat chips as quietly as possible
These chicken's depiction of the most iconic album cover of all time.
Even Kanye may make sense sometimes
Saw this at Newberry Comics, made me laugh
They're cheap anyway
It will be a thing!
Cat is getting alot out of her day...
Why are they so loud?
vaccinate ur kids
Cure cancer?
Describes me perfectly
the gang
I love coloring.
Steve Irwin
Vonbaron sees the truth behind the pidgeon game
Because it's so easy to convert!
Breathtaking photo
More like "solid move"
***, mom knows
This game is actually really morbid tbh..
Well their ruler thought he was a god so...
Safe Murica
Vaccinate your fckn kids
Life is soup
Kid free realisation
I'd let Scarlett Johansson in too
Mom's spagettti
No one tell PETA
How many of you still have these heroes in your lives?
This is my swamp...
vlad the s'more maker
What a goody
"But speed is relative officer"
Muda Muda
Jumping on the Peta Hatewagon. Original artwork credit: Ben Hed @ Pet Foolery.
Pickup line anyone?
80% animal kill rate
Sadly goes back to play RDR2
Beef stew for everyone
Vote for Herr Nia!!
Looks like I'm about to commit a few war crimes
Trinity of Wholesomeness...also, *** PETA
Cute cat ngl
Oohhh sheeet.
Oh deer
But how fast was he going?
Mcdonalds look like its gone from happy care free childhood to depressed adult working life
Rami Malek always look like someone across the room touched his bag.
We still miss you Alan!
This picture still exists
God has a plan for the universe.
The list goes on.
Yeah...I’ll just take the stairs
Someone got the right idea
***ing snitch
synonym rolls are my favorite
Hard-core parkour
That's a bit of a personal question isn't it IKEA?
My future kids better recognize.
I’ll have a bag thanks
These 2 would make the best host ever #troyandabedhosttheoscars
A man can only dream.....
How To Get The Job 101
I finally found him
Peta stands for People Endangering the Animals
Imagine insta
captioned “the worlds longest gummy worm”
True Guilt
Two kids in a coat?
Donut gone wrong.
Poor Benji
You know you messed up when...
United at last.
This dog lives up to its name.
Well you did ask.
Thomas the hollow Train
Waffles for your pleasure.
She isn't ugly just different
“Quick! Hide me!!!”
Not sure if this has been posted yet
Undercover Agent Doggo has been spotted by the Cow-cartel
Gordon Ramsay's son
Paper plate: driver edition
How to get a girlfriend 101
Bring out Old Sparky
PETA: Free the animals, Animals:
Clean joke of the day