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I am new here!
Actually, I'm not, but who reads this anyway?
I only post memes I steal from r/PrequelMemes
6-Year Club

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Will they ever learn?
Got em
Pearl Harbour, December 7th 1941
Living in the woods and being environmentalist are becoming more different than expected.
My parents collect old stuff and my dad just came home with this. Do I tell them?
Art lesson with Butt
Forrest’s mom knew what was up
Engineer got autobalanced ... somehow
I want to know more about this
A classic in the making
Freedom I guess
2.8 is too generous
And the cycle continues...
Thx for the heads up!
Best service ever!
Destroy the hostiles
this explains a lot
I need more friends.
God damn it
I would have chosen red
what is this?
Make cents?
Bout' to Nut
That’s me to a tee
real shit?
My cat parties harder than me and he just sleeps
Stupid Squid
my disappointed is immeasurable and my day is ruined
Pow pow
print('eat') print('eat') print('eat') print('eat') print('eat')
You don't wanna be sucking something in front of your homies
I hope so
They took the midnight train going anywhere
Lighting design fail
You're a Harry wizard
Here comes the zeus juice
It's the new prequel meme
That moment you realise the finals are coming
Cursed knowledge
Damn furries
Next they’re going to make up “e” day , and have people celebrate with ecstasy. They’d Probably sell a lot of math but regret it the next day.
Mic drop
My 4 year old thinks he’s a ninja so my wife took a “before” picture and showed him. He absolutely thinks he’s completely invisible in front of our black appliances.
*Clapping continues*
I am not healthy
Filthy weeb does an awoo
outstanding move
According to plan
Make your decision
Her heart beats for me now
*** PETA
"I'm Free"
One of the best go f#@k yourself from the 50s
We all know this would happen
Just give it more time.
I love it!
About that college scandal...
Billboards in Florida
I Lost My Car Keys!
Know your proper hand signals
I've dated three different versions of her, so I can confirm this is accurate.
Stop spreading measles you backward ass hillbillies
Creativity 100
just like the simulations
How daleks garden
I had a cat so I can confirm
Oh Ruthe...
My dad got this notice...
Meanwhile, in Scotland...
I love this, and I love this aquarium I used to go to all the time
Times were simpler then
I have stranger questions than that.
Damn it Mario
Gotta be quicker!
Aww man;(
A Woof in sheep's clothing
Poo-Chi,the robot dog
Aslan, I choose you!
Tall boi
Teachers always be pullin’ tricks
thats the good shit
There is a 69420 in pi
Good guy doggo
Not forgotten Big F
The Ol’ Switcheroo
Clog dem arteries
Why smoke?
I find it funny...
Sono chi no sadame
I gave my girlfriend a set of keys to my apartment today
Well... I wasn't expecting this response.
I want to thank the academy