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Le baguette
Weird flex, but hell yes....
I checked it’s true
Damn, it felt so real.
Could be us but your not trying to morph
Guess it’s aright then
Spiderman is actually in the new avengers poster
He went for milk 14 years ago
How to take a nap at work? Reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where George naps under his desk.
Creative Band Name
I believe in this theory 100%!
Not a real doctor
Was feeling cute, might build a wall later..
Oil change lvl9000+
The painful memories
Let’s prank google
Buddy you're a boy make a big noise playing in the street, gonna be a big man someday
A Peep Show Classic.
Don’t ask, don’t get...
I think it’s pretty funny
Can’t believe he didn’t get the joke
Teenie weenie
Aerosmith cover by opossum.
Aussies are ruthless
Goodnight fellas
Forget about the album
OC + Dad joke = winning formula?
Never change, Batman. Never change..
Different perceptions.
Hardware aisle 15
Billy the fridge
Well, yes but actually no
Oh this cat oven
"hehe it's just a hoop skirt"
P Watch
How did that happen..
Fr why tho
Grocery Store Stats
Kowalsky analysis
Harry potter is black
I See You Have Disabled Autocorrect
The evolution of the BMW.
Autocorrect our favorite
c r u c i a l
Horsey horsey! by c&h
Pug Wisdom
Minerals... More minerals
Been outplayed
Jenga unchained
Hi five
Purest form of Black Magic
u n e x p e c t e d !
Can't rule it out!
Sad face time
This is so sad, can we hit 49 upvotes?
The hippo part grows later
Got banned 5 days for posting dog tasticles. Only good bois from now on
Can I Go now dad?
I finally got my question answered!
Uh, rude.
Nick Offerman on Manhood
well at least he didn't chicken out
Can you feel it in the air??
Good thing it missed her blouse
I can't believe I always envisioned the wonky bird on the right. Lol
Repost.....still funny
He sleeps like a Murder chalk Outline
Dads are there to keep you grounded with medium level roasts
Great Solution!
Gator cat
Man praise cow
Harvard topper right here
Well what can I say, the robots are white afterall
Well excuuuuuuse me
....and I just lost all my work
Okay, officer
Ain't no narc
So bummed this isn’t real :(
Only once a year
They do?
But what about myself?
Well, NBC nightly news ***ing missed this one...
I just need about...
Dog surrenders to police as his human get arrested.
R.I.P ☹️
Cant wait for WWIII
Even the playing field...
Wow sounds like a real stand up guy
Anon sees you later
I still have flashbacks
Larry knows what he likes
Amazon Review: Much Whiter