I can't believe I always envisioned the wonky bird on the right. Lol

repost of https://hugelol.com/lol/591556
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Repost.....still funny
He sleeps like a Murder chalk Outline
Dads are there to keep you grounded with medium level roasts
Great Solution!
Gator cat
Man praise cow
Harvard topper right here
Well what can I say, the robots are white afterall
Well excuuuuuuse me
....and I just lost all my work
Okay, officer
Ain't no narc
So bummed this isn’t real :(
Only once a year
They do?
But what about myself?
Well, NBC nightly news ***ing missed this one...
I just need about...
Dog surrenders to police as his human get arrested.
R.I.P ☹️
Cant wait for WWIII
Even the playing field...
Wow sounds like a real stand up guy
Anon sees you later
I still have flashbacks
Larry knows what he likes
Amazon Review: Much Whiter
A young birdwatcher opens his reference book
This is a cursed image of beardless Hagrid and crackhead Harry.
I'm not scared of commitment I promise
Sometimes you gotta bring all your tools to a duel
Has anyone seen this cat?
Bird of paradise
Lot of rich people right now
Checkmate ♟
SFW Kiwi Post
Best way to ruin a weekend
the resting face we need, but not what we deserve
Ain’t no party like a Boston Tea Party
Don't let T-Series win
Introducing Lizard Cop
The biological components of a popsicle
Pi Rats of the Caribbean
Gheegur is Spanish for Yoshi
Stop adding “og!”
Parking like a champion
Or lock yourself in a room
So that was a damn lie
Could be a TV Show.
Just sold my pigeon on Ebay.....
Hung the washing out Boss!
Best interpretation of song lyrics ever!
Liked what he saw
Bumper sticker of the year.
My friend and I say this to each other when we’re tired now
In the end, Waldo finds himself.
Grandma loves you!
How many more licks?
Me, an Intellectual..
Max just wants to be loved
Your Parents are never as cool
4000 points to Gryffindor!!!
It's just another Classic on the Wall.
Only a sith listens absolutly
I don't understand how you can keep forgetting that
Subscribe to Dolan Dark
coincidence 100
I’d rather the donut.
Good doggo!
It's a full-time job, gaiz
Elf Eyes
That’s definitely a 10
"friendly rivalry"
You just missed them
What’s the purpose of the clock?
Not cool
It’s all popular opinions there now.
The world connects in strange ways
They must honor the ancient covenant
Revisionist history
I‘d love to see that movie
Yeah. Of Course.
Not gonna lie they had us in the first half
Only traumatized people will get this
My son picked out his own back to school shirt.
Big Harma
Sorry if it reposted.
Tring tring
You just got done did
Don't mess with our tea!
As a baker, I see this cat a lot.
Taken literally
Clearly a robot.