When my husband asked where the markers were, I should have been more suspicious...

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That made me sad :-(
Dare you!!!!!
Have a fine day
Invasion of bed bugs
It be like that
I'm so sorry for them
My son just born and he is already thinking about how will pay his student loan
Kevin Hart's mom looks more like Kevin Hart than Kevin Hart looks like Kevin Hart
No firearms allowed
Black no
Am smort
He didnt know nothing!
Chip dip.
anyone can become a potato
Anyone else do this?
I’m very ugly
My family and I use this Gollum toy to hold the money when we play cards.
There’s only one god
Bite your tongue, she’s a ray of light.
Some of y’all never had to scrape resin before and it shows.
Did I just stumble across Peter Dinklage taking out the trash on Google Earth?!
Don’t be a dick, let the light shine through!
Good boy comes with 2 subwoofers
My fortune cookie from the China Buffet.
Avatar, the Last Street Vendor
They feast at night.....
Its hard out here
Please stop this cruelty
Time for double meat on my burrito
You know what’s badass? Being alive.
Could you knot?
Answer to the Universe is not 42. It's 420.
Have a nice day/night idk lol
We all knew this day would come.
You gotta know your limits
Biggest lie ever
very nice
Looking fit
You must be exhausted from sorting by new, go ahead and stock up before you move on.
Knew it came from somewhere...
Normies on internet be like:
*leaves the room silently*
Can I get a RIP in the chat?
My mom can handle this
93, still making plays
Totally new template
yeee haw
This shower curtain arrived in the mail today. As it was opened, my wife about died. Effective immediately, my wife's house decorating privileges have been revoked.
Thats how we roll
We got “educational” cookies in school today
Working it.
Easter egg hunt was rained out at my son's school, so everyone had to hide the eggs in the gym...
*Rewind machine*
My future job search...
And....the award for engineer of the year goes to.....
Bad placement i must say
Got this badass beer opener in a Loot box :D
Dop Ted?
I choose hell
Title required
Vasectomy celebration cookies
Game of Thrones will end like this.
What’s Kraken.
I mean, he's not wrong
And i don't even regret about it.
The perfect test
Pollution = business?
Little bit of Monica...
Ohh boy!!
You know how long it took to get that?
Ricardo the brave soldier
Yep. This is accurate
This is how social i am..
So damn deep inside
She’s out of control
play time
Wait a second......
I am not the only one right?
Christ, Rowling, we get it. Give it a rest.
A Foolproof Plan
What is your quest?
A hood hammock
Dont go bustin my balls alright.
Busted Britbong
Xian8233 disconnected from server
A fun quiz for all the family!
The Shining: Chili edition
That's not what they're for
Not the right time to send a nude?