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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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My local paper at it's best.
Burger Kings new slogan
Infinity Chancla
Cat and Dog faceswapped
This pair is all class
Me and my boys 2am looking for BEANS
Ready. Set. Awful.
Weebs in Japan
he is living on the edge
Happy Birthday Spongebob
Actually, it's more like this
Spread it.
Back to the hand buzzer days
The real Spider Man
She looks like she wants to go back inside
Art won't save the world...
Cool chair
It’s a miracle..!
Lady Samsa of House Winterfell
Comedy Gld
Thought I'd give the bath bomb a try
faster than a rocket, slower than a dart
Horny Rhino
* AVENGERS SPOILER ALERT* This is Brazil's ass
Well yes but actually no
Finally found my first video again yesterday!!!
y u no rember me
If this isn't accurate
You can't molest me if i molest you first
and on it goes
bobz plz
Birdie back at it again
Kombat in toilet
Reasons to love both shows
Who stole my drugs?!
After party
Guess I'll die then
really nice car!
A little positivity never hurt anyone
Mr. Jean-Claude Van Bean
dance in robot style !
Go on, geeit
god among men
shaking rn
Flat Nails
At least they got Knuckles right
You left the toilet seat up again ....
Not-so-fine art.
There are two types of cats
That's why I love chemistry
Don’t laugh at your wife’s choices
Listen up kids!
Go to bed sleepy head
Arthas(Macron) did nothign wrong
It's a horse!
I put up a note in the paper towel dispenser saying the battery was dead. Came back to this two days later
Deep dark savage truth
The will to life
This movie costed money to make. Money that coulda gone to solving gamer oppression
No more baby!
I can’t be the only one who see similarities
In the shadows
mrs piggy made an oopsie
I always remove the tag first.
Endgame Relief
That's unsettling.
We don't appreciate alarm clock enough.....Ohh
More tumblr from me
Anyone else like to play the stacking game?
I mean who hasn't accidentally done that before?
Somedays you just mannecant
I have top notch censorship skills
He's coming back
Better stock up
All I can say is someone can sure strap a tractor.
Uh ... technically right.
A spell of peaceful calm
I'm with Ultron on this one
true friendship
In Finland we have a river shaped like an ejaculating penis
Slav made Bender BBQ
Not sure which would be most delicious ...
Clearly the best one
Come on Dylan you can't be a virgin forever
Happened one too many times
what a idio...oh, hi mark!
Laws requiring people to brush their teeth, zombie apocalypse awareness, and a boot as a hat. Not the hero we deserve
My bones hurt.