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Bukowski get over here! Mainly reposting r3dd1t memes, doing a shitty job at that as well.
Karma Hunter

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Trying to make dinosaur cookies
s a d reacts only
"saved for later"
Oh boy
Anon adds an helpfull NPC to his quest
More endgame spoilers *smh*
hon hon oui
Tf is up with that hand tho
"YAMERO" - Down
The whole squad is here
Look at this very crazy board someone posted on dishes menu
I think I got the wrong cookie
Less social interaction this way
Spider after visiting Paris
What a coincidence
I think I had enough Internet for today
Appreciated Honesty
James has some weird friends
Picture of my fighter jet pilot friend on a roller coaster.
CEO status
That feeling though...
I like to design design fake products for fun. The WhichWay is the shoulder turn signals to avoid that awkward shuffle when walking toward someone.
It looks like twins are asked some interesting questions
I would have definitely walked into it
My wife is inside the bank, her phone is still connected to the car bluetooth. We havent had sex in at least a week.
Junkyard had a pull & carry day. Dudes my hero
Vape On!
Show that body.
Sooo is it Thor or badass Jesus ????
Real cap
Oh my ice cream
When life gives you a family. You lose your BMW.
Our hotel was short a bed so I made one out of towels. Housekeeping made it up along with the other beds when we were out.
Avocado toast
This May feel like a joke to you guys, but for us in Norway this is a reality
I saved this turtle out of the road. He tried to thank me by selling me meth.
I feel bad when Teachers have to put up with parents like this. Sorry It’s a repost
Smash Mouth
Whoa buddy that's not cool
Shrek 17 confirmed
Human Vs Asgard
Pewdiepie Repost
My wife packed me left over Tostada's and put the refried beans in a Ziploc bag. Thanks babe.
There’s nothing to see here
Smiles in freedom
It’s so simple.
*scratches furiously*
2 measurements
Missed again. Happy Star Wars day
Hey Buddy!
So now i know
I don’t like where this page is going...
Look at that wild restaurant
There was an attempt....
May the Fourth be with you.
Dublin Zoo has its priorities right.
Dylan scares me too
History 100
A hint, not on your finger
Credits to: armbarg957
My dad got to hold a rescued 3 week old baby goat.
We die like real man
Frank, Guardian of the Tomatoes
Sometimes people get confused
Outstanding arrival
Safe travels for all you motorcyclists and May the Fourth be with you.
the queen has breached containment
Seriously. It’s like a perfect 10/10 booty
A history teacher’s slide on an astronaut
Sent an employee home yesterday for being drunk at work. My gf sent me this last night
She tried okay
Happy Star Wars Day!!!!!
And that is the Kilian Experience
Bagel time
In Ontario equal rights are STILL serious business
Ok which *** painted that -_-
Birb: U wot m8
New Harry Potter!
O hell naw
Lucky she isn't my aunt or something :))
Goddamit Balrog
Confidence is key
miss the internet
Dissappointing honestly
Hiding in plain sight...
What you can't do in the park !
We shall see
Totally wrong
You can still find nice people
This whole time...
Made me double take