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Bagel time
In Ontario equal rights are STILL serious business
Ok which *** painted that -_-
Birb: U wot m8
New Harry Potter!
O hell naw
Lucky she isn't my aunt or something :))
Goddamit Balrog
Confidence is key
miss the internet
Dissappointing honestly
Hiding in plain sight...
What you can't do in the park !
We shall see
Totally wrong
You can still find nice people
This whole time...
Made me double take
a typical holiday
Local Jiffy Lube sign
It’s not wrong
We had a couple of shots
Face swap level 9000
Now go away, or I will taunt you a second time!
They Nailed This Reenactment Quite Well
Attempting to Donate
My sister just got a fish. He's her everything. She went out of town for the weekend, and left this.
The struggle is real
Probably fake news
Just a normal Friday night with my 56YO parents...
Just resting my eyes
Inside of a phone case I received
My friend’s cousin visited the aquarium today.
For those old enough to remember "Clippy"
That's how you get planet of the apes
the movie everyone wants
Beach body goals
“The backside of my hand...”
China life
Dandelions > Roses
focusing on the good aspects of global warming
Why dad speaks softly at home
Let the fury begin
It’s a common one
1970s fashion
That sounds good to me
My 8 year old daughter’s 20-year plan. Own one cat, play Fortnite, be lazy, win Family Feud and live with her parents. ...***.
*** you ***!
My son having an existencial crisis
Drove by this church yesterday, kids in the backseat yelled out “look dad, Jesus is doing the floss!
"This is how I get to work now" - from Karen Gillian's instagram
If Avengers was made in the 90’s
How to speak sign language in Italian
Equality. It’s a two way street
And nokia were best seller
Kudos to this guy for letting the world know he's annoying to talk to in a bare minimum of 3 different ways
Gotta go phast
This is how much you mind your business in NYC
Catholic School logo. They don't even try to hide it
Fox news just aired this photoshopped Ambien label on TV
“New bulbs, got it. Is it a 4 or 6 cylinder?”
I never knew there were signs for burnouts!
Ranking Of Crystals, Based On Their Popularity As A Name For A Stripper
It is all I can see...
Guess I'll have to cancel my plans
I would do it.
This is so sad
Got the new safety hats at work!
It’s faster now.
My son ripped Mr.T out of the A-Team van, to reveal he’s actually Mr. Ampu-T
Face of ?
Plastic surgery addiction is real
Rare photo of mysterious monster
I'm just here to post my thots on spider-man
Austin is the smart kid
Better name than Avengers
Fursecution in action
(not OC)
Arms. Still. Blue.
shrek eats chocolate
tell me where is the lie?
I am now enlightened
They had us in the trailer, not gonna lie
DMV lady had to call her superiors to confirm that this man, this pastafarian, can in fact take his photo with a strainer on his for religious purposes.
Saving the banana for later.
Birthday card for an old friend