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From the jungles of Seaetnam. I post cringey maymays
5-Year Club

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The Fresh Prince's finest line..
fus roh nah
They really updated the Sonic design
My father told me the exact same yesterday
Kid asks mom: "Why is there such a detailed head on his stick figure body?" Cannot Unsee.
I laughed out loud.
Perhaps the most useful of them all
My wife just got this style haircut. Should I tell her or have her speak to a manager?
Ass for Gas
Ha, dweebs.
8 out of 10
Let's Battle!
Theft rate down 100% since we hired this fella
All aboard the bullet train!
What Things?
Well at least I will no longer have to be harrased when entering or leaving a store.
Honest mistake.
Don't call me
A chickens gotta do what a chickens gotta do
I think I found my God !!!
GTA is not healthy for my driving instincts.
Jesus 100
When Bob Ross drinks coffee
The security guard told me she saw my car and is happy another devout Christian works here
Checkmate libtards
Whoah there bud.
And now we know.
Calc u later
Is everyone here?
this is me after I workout
It's never too late to laugh
Can't fall asleep
The green stone is Hulu
For fun I like to design fake products. The ReadyNapper is your on the go pillow for a power nap, anytime & anywhere.
James who?
Because *** you, that's why
Heroic work
God is dead
"You better f*cking do it.."
CPR in 4 steps
Anatomy of a French Bulldog
Who else can relate? I can.
Only cool kids understand.
My grandma is kind of mean
Thanks a lot Ford.
Been there. Programmed that.
Amazing paintwork on a train
Take pride in your job.
Fail presentation.
imagine this was real
I housesat and watched my boss's dog for a month. So I took these pictures, framed them and hid them throughout his house. He didn't notice for a week...
Roomba, the NOPE of the dog world..
i like to imagine that this dog has just completed a parachute jump and landed on a woman..
Japanizing Marvel
You Got A+
What a trooper
Episode 5 in a nutshell
Trolling from prison
This is how the pregnant Matryoshka looks like
I know that guy!!
I will outlive you too, You little shit :)
This menu is my life story!
Anon gets a gf
Cat with cat on his back
He didn't have the heart to tell them
Its my birthday today. My parents dont speak english well and this was my moms attempt to wish me a happy b-day
A gentleman & a scholar
Critical Safety Notice for dads
If any of you guys know how to make tits fart, please let me know. I need to learn this skill.
Otto this for you!
Going for gold
Gamers are oppressed
Finally, a petition I can get behind!
Who Is This James Charles??
Circus freaks of the future.
I'm in hot water
The future of Alabama.
My 6yo said T-Rex had 5 fingers. Tried to correct him and he offered this up as proof.
Crank it up to 11 with this tape!
Do not have emergency,thanks bye
Rest in pete
His smile makes it soo much better
They are evolving. Monkey selfie
Taylor's motive
A guy at my wife's job still think that his new plant is a cactus. It's actually a pickle that is replaced by a new one each 2 days... It's been like that for 2 weeks now.
After you shave downstairs...
Last wish.
Coming soon to GameSphere
irish shrimps