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cute victim
My mother's Master Plan
Alvin and the chipmunks was better than I remember
I can recommend this for some people...
According to this lady...
I require a sacrifice
Fun Uber drive
So true... so true
Today Squidward can finally relax!
And you guys say hornets are bad.
Invisibility Cloak, yours for 300 bucks.
How did i just find out about this now
Shut up and take my MONEY!!
web md sucks
Exactly what I want to do
But steel is heavier than feathers
oh no
Oh shit he died
SmOreos--these should be called SmOreos.
Voldemort was the real mvp
This sticker in a tool box
Scariest mofos
I am that old
This shouldn't have made me laugh but it did
It's done...
I honest to god can't think of a title for this.
Southern hemisphere problems
Im going to hell for laughing at this
dead weight gives the wrong fries, like wtf
The feels
Oh no
Or locker room i guess
Valid point!!
Give me that meat!
Enjoy the weekend ..
Chill Plankton
I don't know where I found this image...
They had us in the first half, gonna lie
Very, VERY late term abortion device.
Chemical warfare.
Gertrude needs a LifeAlert, not Twitter or FlexSeal Liquid.
He let the dogs out
Some shit must have gone down at this pool...
Lord help us
Palm through face
A father's sacrifice.
Perfect girls don't ex-
He was just doing what he was taught.
*hers is bigger*
This does not mean you are bad guy
Always keep your word!
Summer is coming ...
We live in a society...
it's a bad word
The guy we will thank in the future for saving our earth
Typical cat being a cat...
His future children when back in time to develop the scorpio
You OK?
Only legends will understand
We're #gifted
D&D Comparison: Human and Dwarves and Halflings.
A smart kid right there
Someone got creative at Ikea
Doggo deserves his share..
Leaked image for Notre Dame repair #noodledame
Can I get some?
Doctors & Opiates
Prequel to The Shape Of Water
Art imitates life
Alice Merchesi and Lauren Phillips are beautiful
For fun I design fake unnecessary products so I made a rugged plastic carrying case for your favorite metal straw. Death to plastic straws!
Just wanted to talk
Ooh poor Gendry!!
Working Overtime
Hand upgrade
teen drama
Where Drogon went next.
In a subway car in Stockholm
Unique !!!
Can we get a F in the chat for our man in yellow.
*damn it feels good to be a gangsta* plays in the background
Therapy dog is a good listener
No Trespassing!
Bold words for someone in fang range
Idiot proof