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Overall, the thread reflects a mix of personal achievements, struggles, and mutual support within the community

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If only my dog had a bed big enough for her
that game really was ahead of it's time
Love you really Kosobi
They never saw it coming
This my jam
Aunty Swag Level...
Security Questions
My son just turned a month old, and my wife has been keeping track of his firsts on our calendar. I just noticed this today.
For fun I design fake products, behold The Infinity Saucelet, wield all of your favorite fast food sauces at once. Cover everything in sauce...whatever it takes.
About a week ago I disclosed to a close friend that I lost an erection during sex. I received this in the mail today...
Calculated Conversion...
This vegan counter protester on the news
Thought you guys would appreciate my new credit card cover
The power to find a title for this?
George Lucas, Ford, Billy Dee and Hamill look like they're dropping a new Blues album
Never skip abs day!
Relateable content at its height
No children were harmed in the making of this comic
This one only counts as 1/2
I will not.
Good roast
I would probably react the same way
Something about sand
F for Anakin
If great scientists had logos
Grass hoppa
All star(s)
I believe him
My friend participated in Chopped Canada. This is the moment be realized that he forgot an ingredient.
ye boi
I was recently the best man at a wedding in the Caribbean.
How about a raise?
Don't move..!!
big hammer vibes
Art Lee
that remake looks sick
For my Graphic Designer Friends ...
Well well well.. what do we have here
Ugly mug
Covering all the bases.
We are all screaming
Not sure whether posted already
We will make it work!
big pp gang unite
Moskau Moskau werft die Gläser an die Wand
Ah, dad jokes.
Everybody disliked that
I guess that could work
My monthly rants
Just want something real
Nearly missed the urinal at the eye doctors while trying to read this on the wall.
What a thief
Such a lonely life and it's mine
Just the little things
Just play along, dammit...
My gender doesn’t care facts
Not funny Jim.
What's this PS3 doing here?
Facebook, this is overdue.
Peek a Boo
I will not have my fwiends widiculed by the common soldiewy!
Porn Name
Not your every day hero!
Yeah say Amen, ***.
Saw this sign at a local car dealership today.
Whatever your protesting little one, you have got my support!
Moving on to bigger questions
Always B positive.
My kind of place...
Greedy little advertisers
Nothing makes sense anymore
cute (thanks hobopower for anime suggestion)
80s kids understand
Cute cat
Top level friendship
The truth about cats and dogs
Timing can be a beautiful thing
Lego's new Lunar Landing set looks dope
We need to look up more often.
He used the right formula but got the wrong answer
Low budget movie scene remake
Alignment of a true Willis
Sure bro
The classic Remodeling gag
The nerve of some people
self defensless
Cat pets in Marvel movies
Sponsored by Rocawear
Scrubs is life