most American response to the most American door mat

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Now this is the Live Action casting I want to see! Terry Crews as He-Man.
The only useful statue in the world
“I feel the need...the need for speed.” -GW, 1776
Never forget our brave soldiers
(yoda die noise)
This is how you know it’s quality
Stupid batteries
So after I swapped all the photos Tjmaxx took them all down and mailed them back to me with my last pay stub
The gayest shit.
Best hide and seeker.
Radical tricks with bad ending
Found this Jem the other day
This is my favorite Civil War picture. This was taken right after the victory at McHenry International.
Uncanny, feel a bit star struck.
So true it hurts...
Picture this
You gotta do what works
this is what her average fan looks like
This is kinda wholesome
a rule to live by
A much better love story than twilight!
How women think that men pee
Found on FB
Sometimes all you need is motivation. Credit: Steve Jencks .
When the coworker you always eat lunch with isn’t at work today.
Full of dirty Penicillin
Sports metaphors in business.
This make feel me better!
Headphones are a must.
This is my new favourite thing
Helping a bro!
Great plan.
July 5th Starter Pack
I love gooooold
T’challa is that you
Ye I relate to this, no worries.
Sweet gains bro.
Master YoYo
You'll do what Daniel?
Murica level: 100
Which one is better ?
Mosquito Season
Everyone complaining about slight differences in other caracters and I am here like.....*** please...
This girls reaction when holding her younger sister! Priceless!
Rat bois
Say PC
Show off!!!
Millennials in 2005
A Dora bowl
Americans are asleep, mobilize the Commonwealth!
Let freedom ring .??
Good connection your got their.
No one no one at all your brain at 3 am b e a n s
This good boy is still stealing hearts a year later
I love water fights!
High Tide, Me, Photomanipulation, 2019
Meet the new boss same as the old boss.
I helped a work mate with his resignation letter. Not sure why he didn't use it?
Larry wth
My friend is trying to clean up Jamaica
He is more hardworking than me
i don't feel so good
haha very nice
He finally caught them!
USA and China only agreed upon this one thing
Noise Cancelling Toilet
ZoMbIe SpIdEr
Park of Jurrasic
What you see before death
Grandma Committing Treason
Happy 4th of July??
It's me... arial
Creepy Santa
Russia and their secrets
it does be like that and it doesn't be like that
Dr Drake Remoray "How you doin?"
The Joker has Standards
check your fridge before you beat it
How to piss off physicists
Well played
Corporate #Equality.
The Battle continues
'Nam flashbacks
Jabba the hutt avocado toast
Remember to wear your eclipse glasses during the finale
They asked me to bring something to the company 4th potluck.
Best sunburn ever
Put a cork in it!