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Hugelols Minister of OC
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haha very nice
He finally caught them!
USA and China only agreed upon this one thing
Noise Cancelling Toilet
ZoMbIe SpIdEr
Park of Jurrasic
What you see before death
Grandma Committing Treason
Happy 4th of July??
It's me... arial
Creepy Santa
Russia and their secrets
it does be like that and it doesn't be like that
Dr Drake Remoray "How you doin?"
The Joker has Standards
check your fridge before you beat it
How to piss off physicists
Well played
Corporate #Equality.
The Battle continues
'Nam flashbacks
Jabba the hutt avocado toast
Remember to wear your eclipse glasses during the finale
They asked me to bring something to the company 4th potluck.
Best sunburn ever
Put a cork in it!
I guess we know now
Damnit, I knew I should have replied to that prince....
New Fisher Price toy
Mac now supports Windows
jefferson did it
My daughter’s one year old picture didn’t go quite as planned...
Found this funnier than I care to admit.
Seriously, why do we bother?
A tragic short story told in three parts
The cat's perspective got me.
On this Independence Day, let us pay tribute one of our Country’s greatest Presidents.
Happy 4th of July Terry!
Happy Bald Eagle day
She’s not allowed on the couch. For whatever reason, she thinks this is a loophole for that rule.
Star spangled Ding Dongs
How we do it
Mental Prison
Guy on Duolingo had Hitler as his profile pic. So I did what had to be done in response.
This graffiti in the girls bathroom
Thank you, ma
I don't even know who this people are nor do I care
always drink enough frens
*old minecraft damage sound*
Wait... which drink did I drug again? Ahh I'm sure it will be fine...
Don’t make it obvious
Happy July 4th... special reminder from Cincinnati
Feeling much safer while flying
imagine their kids
another reason to kill myself
I too am shrinking
By color
Not all heroes can find their capes…
Why does it always smell so bad?
2 years
Absolute win
yeah I know they don't go to Heaven
It all started when I was born ;_;
Next Wednesday
but why would he be in hell?
Fourth of July
I work at a machine shop
No wonder I love it
noisey neighbor
British Ex-Pat this morning at a parade
Stealy2 Meme v5
It wasn’t good
It's live a visable, physical form of anxiety
Dream on, hot dog..
My mom crocheted my dog a cigar...
eveyday we stray further from God
Statues rise up
"Hey look, I lifted da hammer! It only took me, like, what, ten seconds. Eleven, tops."
So that my dog can see outside....
Remember your pets today folks.
Treason Day
This is Victorias Secret....
best buddys for ever :)
I'm concerned, he's not eating anything
I have decided to never run a 10k again.
"its ok we love you sweety"
It's the Fourth of July so I thought I'd post this here to celebrate
we can't let Dudder's army have such powerful surveillance technology
A friend for life
Pilot Lounge
I declare...INDEPENDENCE!!!
Remember the “scared cadet”... here he is now... brave as can be!
Shitposting got me like
come on share it