now all the incels will sue her, imagine the face of the judge during the entire procedure

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blessed curse
No, that's too cropped
Second hand stores: Where bread machines go to die.
Parenting 100
Don’t worry, I’m comin in!
Bills a lucky guy.
I’ll drink to that
Hold on there satan
Careful who you share with
Who feels like this? •_•
Tinder Vs Reality
Under the sea.
HR at my work have been sending emails to a different Andrew in Australia for over a year. This is his response.
I'm pretty sure this is a warcrime
Gender reveal at your local gym
If my experience gaming has taught me anything, I'll be fighting somebody around this corner
I choose you..
Did you know I’m a very good boy?
Most photogenic doggo
Ahoi Nii-san
We don't deserve memelords
Someone drove through a brick wall in my town, saw this on there the next day.
I always thought something was wrong in that sentence
thanks Squigga very cool
the 3 likes worth more than a million others
6 year draws his family, and we're a bunch of dicks
Driving Around Cops
Not going anywhere anyway.
Cheesy math
My latest cartoon reject from The New Yorker
So basically, this is how a nuclear reactor works
Just so you know!
Took my daughter to the zoo and she wanted a picture with the "dancing turtles".
stranger ketchup!!!!
we need answers !
Anime girls love you too
Local Job Posting Looking for Server
Tongue noodling:
Summer time poetry
Forgot to install Counter-Strike
An interesting phenomenon
every. single. damn. time.
Yes really high as hell.
Now alibaba3317, don't let your AIDS cause an imbalance
The evidence keeps piling up
Wanderlust beware
Grandparent = wisdom/love/racist, no exceptions
Anon the poet
P-p-please, let my family go
Every single mom in the world
First time around
cool bug facts
4th reich here we come
Thor, the lord of thunder
This complicates things
A lesson to all men
Anon explains a Simpsons joke
Of all the family pics to recreate,you chose this?
And they know Karate
tree don't care
Too many people worried about The Little Mermaid when there is obviously a demographic being left out. Reverse Mermaids.
In an alternate universe....
Technically this is a repost, just without the weed bro and Facebook captions.
Today I opened my 29 year old boyfriend’s fridge. This is consistently what his fridge looks like. I fear for males everywhere. We must help them, but can they be helped??
only 30$
McDonald's Resignation Letter
Burned by clothes
My Hobbies
Masterpiece one
Today I realized that in Shark Tale, the sushi restaurant was empty because that was cannibalism.
God please help me
Gamers are not to be trusted
Ohhhh.... TOM
I grew a cucumber
Go go broken femur!
It's my only hope
Sad sad day
Choose a side
My neighbor is either oblivious or a genius.
Good times never seemed so good...
spread awareness boys
Classic BMO
Never thought about it from their perspective
Mother of advertisements
Clever Co-worker likes to add to the CEO's "inspirational" quote of the day
F u Anakin
$ ka-ching $