I work in a call center. I like to draw my callers sometimes. Here is a caller that can’t quite hear me for some reason:

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nice job anon
And so it be
Kids Follow their Parents
He's right you know
Lmao gottem
Only people in the UKwill understand.
damn weebs
Gotta love that sweet southern heat
Tomorrow is gonna be an interesting day.
And the award for best donut shop ad goes to.....
As an engineer this is very relevant
Ohh Boy!
When, Germans tweet.
I do believe my Uber driver was watching porn just before he picked me and my mom up, paused it, and didn’t realize that his car’s display would betray him.
Sadly it's true
H̡̙̗̳̮̝E̳͈͙̭̫͕̱͢ ̪C͈̦OM̷̗Ẹ̹͇̝ͅȘ̗̻̬͝
Give us our land eh
As Forrest Gump had said:
But why would a sports commentator go to area 51?
Caught this very tall gentleman at the mall
Geologist humor
I need me some dank-ass space weed
Great example of why women live longer than men
John Cleese writes to a 14-year-old fan
Area 51 machine broke
hallelujah! you better abide to it!
Like pls leave
Oh yeah
KFC Lithuania has the best marketing strategies
Only the smartest will understand
Old habits ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Looks like a really tough diet to me >w>
Grandson: Grandpa tell me about your battlefield days, Grandpa: well son I used to leave whiskey at enemy frontlines
Low Rida
The truth is better than 12 stick figures
my country is so poor it even has low quality shadows
I let my white dog out after mowing the lawn.
Google managed to perfectly capture the spirit of Boston in one Street View photo.
Mike Tyson squares off against his toughest opponent yet
I'm not doing too bad...
Failed attempt
What you ordered online vs. what was delivered
So it was a lie ಠ_ಠ
He probably had to demonstrate it too
How I dressed as a kid vs. Kids these days
A review for a pho restaurant with perfect water
The face your belly makes when beer is coming
All it takes is one man
Not sure where this came from or who created it but it gave me a laugh
Hey Tom!
That's why it's always empty
Moving the evidence to AREA 52
Bored in class.exe
I kept aging the same photo to see what would happen...
But what about the snakes?
evil, right?
Never forget the guy who brought a sign to a Stevie Wonder concert
Oh wow...
I was going through my pictures and i found this from a while ago
Please do it right
Relic from the past
“I swear, babe, I’m at my grandmas. See?”
Local Army Surplus
get on the wednesday train my dudes!
me too
Disney’s really running out ideas
damn the US army has no chance now
A synopsis of this week...
misheard lyrics
Program Installation
don't be so cheap, I have kids to feed
Nic- wait what?
Bad joke
thighs > personality > face > ass > tits
same with cigarette smoke
oh neptune
I work at a call center. Whenever I get a particularly rude caller, I like to draw what they might look like. Here’s Lorraine from today:
Simply the best!
When actors grow old.
This *** will greet you wearing nothing but what nature gave her
I used the filter to make my son old and I can’t stop laughing
I don't know what to say about this
Fallout 76: I have money to waste
Thx guys
Not prego just fat.
I didnt do it
Unvaccinated kid trying the new grandpa face app.
Feels about this hot right now
Found at Pike's Place
Working in a building with 2000+ people, this is one of my favorite sights
based Yoda
ninjas in the parking lot talking shit probably.
Not so funny now, is it Mr. Satan?
Taxidermy For The Win!
Came across this review from “World’s Worst Mom”