When the donuts aren’t great, but they aren’t bad either.

repost of https://hugelol.com/lol/414418
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Next level metal vest
*** the pot
No filter.
Request fulfilled
ohh Homer!!
Facebook post wins dad joke of the day
Great dad joke right here
Go convince yourself
I wonder.
you tried so hard and got so far, but in the end you're still china
My favorite pair of boots
Bring me a shrubery skywalker!
This sign on my grandpa's door
Where's the sword?
The last of a generation
Found in a Gas Station Restroom
For Being polite
Holy ***in shit!
El Crasho —>
Better use those tears to keep hydrated...
Hard To Pick
At least he’s being honest
We all need a break once in a while.
Never visit a bank when horny!!
I love my job...
Yeah, I’m totally disgusted too, babe. Totally...
Every heterosexual couple’s level of effort
WhITe peOplE Can'T ExpERienCe RaCisM
Wookie is the best solution!
Getting older? That wasn't part of my plan
Volume warning
The Famous Quote
HA-ha Captain Doesn't Have a Dad
Burger King commits murder in Brussels
How could he do this.
Ill be the roundabout
Interns are like kids, if it gets quiet you should check on them.
Now it’s good
Even hundred years ago people lived in a society
Had my picture taken with R.E.M...
Meet the “Discount Avengers”
Boris Johnson’s first Job 1864
now this is podracing
bike's kickstance
2049 is gonna be lit!!!
Thought it was struck by lightning
Is it pronounced Misery?
At my local Vets office.
Not when you're quantum ꜱhitting
Finally science being put to good use.
*crawls back into mother's vagina*
Stranger things...
I can’t...
Britain suffers a heatwave
Jes haha
killing it
Add one more to the list of things old age takes away
For my 18th birthday!
Who doesn't do this on a daily basis
Pretty nuts
Not again, Chris
God still isn’t impressed
He is unstoppable
Posted in the office bathroom
I felt for this
Terry Crews for the win
Trying to help
Pro gamer move
I work at a call center. My callers always seem to spell out the words/names I don’t need the spelling on.
The four phases of him finding out I pet another dog.
Welcome to F*ck Mountain
The come back
hate when this happens
Oily Josh
This dog is clearly very innocent.
You vs Me. Let's do this
I'm in charge now
Two students with different messages on a math teacher’s “class tips” board
I know this dog logic all too well.
They probably should have used a different font...
I get it.
He dined for your sins.
Watermelon is bad
Free is always good. Come get it.
Now that’s an interesting way to sell ad space