Lost my thumb and pinky a month ago, just trying to laugh about it instead of crying.

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Turn left when the beat drops!
This worm...
Jetstar claiming I exceed my 20kg limit by 2kg with a 19kg bag ...
Six to seven washing machines
Random bar in Utah, loves AC/DC
I sure hope so...
You’ll never guess what Elastigirl does
Titanic under construction in Belfast, 1911. I think I found the problem.
Coffee Ego
Can’t stop the Dogg
Oh no, my unmoistured beverage
Quite EVIL
Oh yeahh
Mike Tyson recently bought a Tesla
Feline shui
Ganesh wants his Revenge
Stickers in the back of a taxi I took on my vacation in Thailand
Husband saw a girl in a bikini doing this and thought he would follow her lead...
Someone bought a water at our open house today.
The owls
Alignment Chart
Spotted in Warren, MI
The best version of the bible
Revealed: Why there are less UFO sightings today
You down with DMB? Yeah, you know me.
Yooooo. Who did this!?
Smack that!
Send nude hail Satan my life is neato
Marine biologists are now tagging whales, in the hope to understand their movements better
Almost crying. It’s my beautiful childhood.
Hot weather notice
Ah yes, my favourite time of the day
In case of an emergency, hurl your enormous penis out the nearest window, and climb to safety
Screw you Jupiter
Stay down, final warning
oh my god.....
Manhattan prison rn
its always sunny
Handed in my job notice yesterday. I had the best boss ever.
Love is all you sea.
Games which allow custom characters in the cutscenes
Let's see what's new in the Newspaper today
Mad respect ✊
wish there were more cute boys in hentai...
fast handz hooman
Give whoever made this sign a raise!
So rude.
Bad dreams....
"Instagram is the worst platform for bullying"
I’m old. I guess number neighbor is now a thing. I think I traumatized a kid. No answer.
My dog every time I try to work out
Toothpastes can't be a hit with all of them
Sacrifices must sometimes be made
Just fill the saucer mouse boy
Something we can all agree on
Dominic Decoco
its a fractal
Stay vigilant y’all!
Ehm... excuse me?
Lil Kim
David's surgery
My mom tried to be sneaky and "picture bomb" my Fiancee and I. I'm so proud of her.
National park service bison petting guide
I don’t know I smell collusion
Did he though?
I went to the bathroom and came back to a chicken tender missing from my plate. I walked into the other room and he froze like this.
The satisfaction of getting them unstuck is unrivaled
Don't make eye contact
wholesome Thanos
Madlad doggo
true homie
1...2...3... Let's Jam
Pinnochio, are traps gey?
English courses
Someone’s not gonna have a good day...
Caught in the act.
I think I should go to a different library.
Nice honesty.
suicide watch
Dangerous mind
In which bin do I belong in?
Don’t blame my dude
Epstein's watch
But he hates Mondays lol
Finally a loophole
Did the trick.
No one should have to wait that long for luggage
Imagine going through beautiful countryside then seeing this field.
I don’t know why people say the moon landing was faked. This is irrefutable proof that they did land on the moon.
I literally aspire to be this man