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Creating OC means seizing the means of production for the greater good.

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Behold currently! You are entirely a star child!
Escalation level 100
Arabic phobic
Life with pets
Ples sign and help!
when you have had enough of those mcdonald employees
This is my boy, Mosby. He likes water guns.
Billions? Why not Millions?
Later virgins
another one
Free kittens
Short sad story ....
Poor parker ¯\__/¯
A Mischievous Cat
Subtle irony somewhere therein...
Before it was a trend
So cute, as scandinavians saying life is hard
National day of slavery abolition
At least he gets 2 Christmases.
They do EVERYTHING together, but thats just ridiculous
it be like that
Great Job
Sony just can't get their act together
Everyone rembers it, right?
Still Thinking?????
Jizz Jazz
Maybe she’s born with it...
Please Return To Jan
Maybe it will please our future overlords
Hits to close to home
Archie Duke shot an ostrich 'cause he was hungry
In Russia, condom wears you.
Get it right people
just a month away
Wild Horses
We should raid the Amazon and pee on it to put out the fire
And the mirror shall tell you the truth ... photoshop fail ...
Take that, Poacher ***
Recognized experts over time
Brace for impact.
Just a reminder, no need to upvote.
So he knew all along
I wonder if he can?
Could have stopped a franchise in its tracks
nice flex bro
This ain't Xbox
I know my 5th Amendment rights.
Same man, same
John Rick Wick Rick
Some Prague city worker figured out how to troll tourists IRL.
Paycheck vs Bills
Yup!! that’s my boss...
Glad I'm not the only one
Way to go Mark
Welcome to the rice field....
Give me the pizza rolls
try tsktsktsk
Lol, that is it.
So a guy dropped off this resume today. He was dead serious too.
i know this would never be a movie but id watch the hell out of it if it were
The VOD wars cometh...
I respect this decision
*sad pluto noises*
The knowledge of the ancient times
The worlds best dad award goes to
It's all going according to plan...
My cat needs a beer and the remote
My sister was really inspired by this sexy tomato from our garden
Fan wears a Ryan Reynolds shirt to meet Hugh Jackman.
Meanwhile on google maps
What did I say!?!?
Mom's home.
Stupid little s*it you know nothing!
It's getting weird
I hope Sean has a good sense of humor ...
So hot I may need a plunger
Great translation
Kids have no mercy
There are documentaries about that
So we're posting dogs in costumes?
Avoid the pain in two easy steps
You have a twisted mind
vast difference
Something Special