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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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This ain't Xbox
I know my 5th Amendment rights.
Same man, same
John Rick Wick Rick
Some Prague city worker figured out how to troll tourists IRL.
Paycheck vs Bills
Yup!! that’s my boss...
Glad I'm not the only one
Way to go Mark
Welcome to the rice field....
Give me the pizza rolls
try tsktsktsk
Lol, that is it.
So a guy dropped off this resume today. He was dead serious too.
i know this would never be a movie but id watch the hell out of it if it were
The VOD wars cometh...
I respect this decision
*sad pluto noises*
The knowledge of the ancient times
The worlds best dad award goes to
It's all going according to plan...
My cat needs a beer and the remote
My sister was really inspired by this sexy tomato from our garden
Fan wears a Ryan Reynolds shirt to meet Hugh Jackman.
Meanwhile on google maps
What did I say!?!?
Mom's home.
Stupid little s*it you know nothing!
It's getting weird
I hope Sean has a good sense of humor ...
So hot I may need a plunger
Great translation
Kids have no mercy
There are documentaries about that
So we're posting dogs in costumes?
Avoid the pain in two easy steps
You have a twisted mind
vast difference
Something Special
Anyone around?
No ragrets either
The rearview mirror be like: %%%
Hello neighbour, how are you.
It certainly does
Nintendon't allow sharing music
Love Grandma
My brain: don’t do it DONT DO IT
Continental breakfast
This explains why there are no birds in my birdhouse
Some people just like to blend right in.
Some people need to hear this.
Bedtime routine.
What the CRUNCHY F*$@
Save him or go to hell
Haircuts now and then.
All that effort and for what?!
Hope he gets it
A scientific fact.
"I hit a dog with my car..."
T.S.J.K.R.R. King
Found my silver lining
Evil in you...
Ouch baby, very ouch
A dad joke for you guys
There are so many people who do this also... I couldn’t find the artist who made the comic..
Which foreign language ??
When life gets hard...
I'm boutta beat some ass
For Parents at their Kid's Soccer Games
i’m the bass player ;-;
im a proud owner of a small peepee
thats a lot of oregano
When the kid asks for a new switch for his birthday
Might be a repost but still good
Clear that history preacher!
Where were we?
I was literally shitting myself.
turban outfitters
One of the guarantees of life.
Any pizza is good pizza
Uhhh... see ya!
Watch your step in my house.
A cheeky one
No for me either dawg
I’m feeling particularly lucky.
Getting what you want is easy, it's all in the presentation...
A little too far
Marvel’s got it all planned out...
I’ve been there