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*laughs in spaghetti*
thats sort of gay
Bots are savage
She needed those Disney bucks
A new way to sneak food into the movie theatre ...
Heav'n has no Rage, like Love to Hatred turn'd, Nor Hell a Fury, like a Woman scorn'd
Nice teeth though
Regret is temporary
Hey Dad, you know Pam?
I am a freelance technician, and I just happen to be working in the underground tunnels of Disney. Today I found this.
Is it just me or does young DJ Khalid look like the love child of Drake and Adam Sandler?
Loud eating
Snort the coffee powder
no opium this time
I'm sold
Working in a pet hotel
Yea no thanks
Killing Time
Lol, Butt Napkins
Why Rose, why??
Sometimes the stars align
Chick-fil-A vs Popeyes
Found about 20 of these cards while cleaning out my grandfathers man cave after he passed away. Going to miss his sense of humour.
Satan himself
I just had to share it, also the girl's gonna die.
Woke meme
She don't she stupid!
Mad scientists
cursed mom
That's one smart Anon
Blue Planet
OP: MrOddJazz
But just how long is it?
Fokking Karen
Reading this is a punishment
I wasn't even that horny
She's a keeper that's for sure
Can't keep up sometimes :D LOL
Loopholes are great
Sorry about your balls
anon is trans
The best surveillance system out there!
Nice teamwork
Big F
Because Hemsworth it.
Why I dont let my husband handle any of our daughters paperwork for school ha
The Future Will Never Be The Same
Tired of these cicadas keeping me up at night, time for some revenge
Ain’t that the life
Lol wut
In the bathroom at my tattoo artist's studio.
Wish never gets my orders right :D LOL
bob the builder
Uncle Rico Suave
My boss after I've spent a week pouring all my time and energy into something they no longer want
Who want to ***
Whoopsi Goldberg
I found this in my school archive from 1940
Oogie Boogie hasn't been getting the best gigs lately.
I think my husband’s going to realize I borrowed one of his extension cords
My sister wore the wrong shirt to picture day
the british empire
Forreal! No one gives shi* LOL :D
My mom sent me this today... I’ve been in glasses since I can remember
Think again.
Rage Kitty
Too old
NASA be on that good shit :D LOL
Needs some shredded clothes
FACTS!!! McDank!! :D LOL
Wife is out of town. There are no rules. Let the madness begin.
Haven't seen one in some time
why ppl so gay for jesus
I would cry D: LOL
Right over the heads of most kids
Throwback :D LOL
It is 2AM forsure :D LOL
Meetings are the worst
I can only imagine :D LOL
Stolen from Facebook.
It's a slippery slope
It must be done.
Special way
I can relate 100%
Those damn canadiens
hey guy
Jesus left the chat
Raffaello's masterpiece: "Archangel Michael vanquishing satan"
Jimmy good catch,Timmy i like your fish,Kyle what are you doing with your fish in your mouth!?
Source: have child
Yeah big brain time.